Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Like ducks in a barrrel....lock and load!!!!

Well, today was a good to pick to come back to trading all day, well at least until lunch .....ROTFL. The first bar trade worked like a charm. Then CB had a number.....and all I could think was BATTLE STATION....all hands on deck!!!!!

CB had a level at 704.80-705.50 in the direction of symmetry to the short side......then there is was, a perfectly 100% setup that triggered me into a short. All I had to do then was manage the trade. Taking half off and moving to BE and with her target in my scope it was wait for the cash and lunch.......

Every day, you are one of three things, the cat, the mouse or the cheese. Today, I was the cat and got to eat both the mouse and all the cheese........Life is great!!!!

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