Well, first Steve send out an email telling me that he only has 50 slots left in his service and shows me his great trading setup.....
Now I get an email telling me that I could have the same system that he uses in "his" office to trade with......WHAT A GUY!!!!!!!! I mean he even says, "I wouldn't trade without them".
The best thing is I guess is that Steve is also a University of Tennessee (GO VOLS)fan along with being a Penn (WE ARE) State fan, you can see that by clicking on the picture to make it bigger. Hey, I didn't even know he was a UT fan, all this time, I have been missing him at the games, but of course, he would have to fly from Vegas to get to them but that is another story.

You really have to wonder about a person that pretends to have a trading office with all these great toys in the emails since he just cropped part of the picture to make you believe this is "his" system. What else is he pretending to produce.....like maybe his trading results. And what kind of a market guru is he when he cuts a deal with a computer box company to make a little extra on the side and again pretends the setup is his.......what kind of a market guru indeed. Why not just call Dell, talk to the broker services division and tell them you want the system that the guy from the hills of Tennessee has and save yourself a couple grand.
Hey Steve, it looks like you are using that "secret sauce" trend finding filter, what would it cost for me to have that....it's on the top of the 50" monitor? You also have a "green" screen that is in the middle bottom of that screen, again what would that cost me to have on my Commodore 64? Are you selling that also or just the computers now.
I am really bummed out, I have sent you emails about this but never got a reply, guess you were out washing your new Ferrari....yellow I think.......good choice on the color by the way. Should I send another email with my credit card number and exp date.........if nothing else you are a great marketer, if you actually had those systems you won't have to keep selling your soul for a few pieces of gold. You would be busy stacking it a vault.
I do have to wonder what the CFTC is thinking about these days.....wasn't there a settlement against you, to stop this kind of crapola? To bad because it looks like you ain't.....at least yet that is.....
Check out
What a P H O N Y !
Next thing he'll be flogging the FBT .... watch this guy Den
I'm not a crook, simple as that!!!!Please believe me and you can have two free weeks.
Isn't it possible his carpenter and yours are related? Is it possible you are Steve? Have you ever been seen togehter?
Many way to explain this, I am sure.
Come to think of it dloomis514, we have never seen Santa and Dennis together either.
about 6 months ago i got some spam from steve so i checked it out,,, and after going through his site and looking at some of his methods i used a few keywords and cross checked his methods through a search,,, well,,, i found another gentleman by the name of bernie mitchell that was teaching the exact same method as steve,,,so i emailed bernie and asked him if he knew steve and this was his reply,,,,,,,,
"Steve Matrix is a former student of mine and I'm sad to say is trying to rip me off. He is in violation
of my Non Disclosure Agreement which he signed almost two yrs ago. I'm trying to deal with him without it consuming my whole life if you know what I mean.It's hard to believe the total sociopath he is with absolutely no ethics or morals."
Bernie MitchellPBSP
it`s a shame but our sport seems to be littered with bumbs like steve
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