Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Finally......a breakout from a 5 point triangle

It's always exciting when you buy a piece property to build a house on, then comes the plans, then the building permit and on and on it goes. Because of having 5 floors (which is a fib number), I decided to have each floor inspected as the electricians finished wiring them. The first floor, we were on pins and needles but the second, fourth and fifth were none events...

This week came the final inspection, there are a couple little things that need run, but for the most part.....we are over a major hump in the road. The entire house now can be drywalled, stoned or whatever in an effort to get this sucker ready to move into......and have a TAL.

I think I might even frame this one......along with the CO that will come later...hopefully in July.....

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