Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Did someone want a shake.....cedar shakes that is???

When they worked on the front porch, and I wonder just how any refrigs I can fit on that continues on other areas of the house. We have a crew coming in to finish the exterior of the house and we are ready.

The second of four truck loads of cedar shakes arrived.

Each bundle holds 5 square of shakes and each truck had 5 bundles on them.....WOW!!!
whole lot of shaking going on up on this hill.....ROTFL!!!!

A crew of 3 showed up, 2 fitters and 1 cutter, all these guys do is work with cedar shakes...mostly on roofs, but what the heck.

They were paid by the square with also included any flashing that needed done, but unlike the roofers.....these guys showed up a 7:00am and worked at it until 12:00, did a short lunch and were back on the scaffolding at 1:00 until 4:30.

Cooper flashing around the windows, cooper flashing up each post, cooper flashing down at the bottom across the beams.....and with the price of cooper nearing the price of gold........DON'T WASTE ANY....OK

Doesn't take these guys long to finish a section.....NEXT!!!

The flashing took longer to secure in place then applying the shakes....but by the third day......these boys are having money.....

We bought our own breaker bar and the amigos had up the pieces for the shake keep it rolling along...

They took their time fitting each cooper piece of cooper flashing in so the water won't run into the house......they used over 20 boxes of clauk........20 boxes...

By the fifth day, Friday, they were about to complete the east side of the house.....

Next week, three coats of Cabot sealer with a hint of cedar will be applied and this side is about finished...done.....over and out baby....

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