Monday, February 13, 2006 is like snow you know......

You know sex is like never know how much you will get or how long it will last......well the past two days we have had an organism here. Even security was having a hard time keeping up with this mess.

They said Friday night we were going to get 8-10 inches overnight and some on Saturday....Well, Saturday at noontime we had less then an inch.....Then around 3pm it midnight we were over 9 inches and it was still coming down. No need to worry about anyone coming around and playing games.....

The porta-john had about 14 inches by noon on Sunday as we got ready to go to the basketball game.....and it was still coming.

This is a picture taken by a cell phone early this morning as the sky was starting to clear out.......we have 16 inches up on the hill and 12 at the house we live in about 7 miles away from the mountain.....up on LeConte (Rocky Top) they were reporting 23 inches of snow.......since we have lived here in this neck of the wood...this is the worst storm we have ever had, now they are talking about no school the rest of the week.....they have no clue about removing snow or any equipment to handle this mess.......anyone have a cig???????

PS: Side you can see we have a lot done and this blog will be trying to get it all up to speed the coming weeks...


Anonymous said...

your patio roof should have been inclined. Any more snow and the roof will collapse

Anonymous said...

your patio roof should have been inclined. Any more snow and the roof will collapse