Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Gable end on the back side

So it's time to start working on the gable end above the great room on the back side of the house. This is no place for someone that is afraid of being up in the air.

Walk boards are moved up so to provide a safe platform to work off of.....each one is tied down because of the wind at comes up at times. The first problem is cutting each purlong to 11 degree angle from top to bottom of the roof.

Over eleven hundred feet of tongue and groove have been stained with two coats of redwood and are cut to size.....ready to be handed up on the roof.

Because of safe issues I would not allow them to use nail guns that required an air line. So we went out and bought new cordless ones. No need to have a bunch of air hoses hanging everywhere up here.

While this was going on, the guys also where placing the TGI spacers between the TGI doesn't take long when everyone is on the same page.

Scaffolding was also setup to help out on the safety issues, and some even used a harness system just in case.....

After both sides were covered and the holes cut out for lights we were ready to start placing more TGI out over the gable.

Just getting these TGI up in place was a major undertaking, since we didn't cut them to length......well really no one could figure out just what that length up they went.

Once they had the TGI in place, more 2x12 were installed for the overhang of the roof.

Needless to say it was a slow process for sure......well at least it seemed that way.

What a great picture of the Smoky's in the background, some days I find the guys just sitting and looking at the mountains....for just a few minutes....and I can't blame them.....that is Rocky Top over there.........Rocky Top, you will always be...home sweet home to me.....good ole Rocky Top......Rocky Top Tennesseeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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