Saturday, December 10, 2005

Well the day started off about right......

the days started off about right, there they were getting ready to set the purlongs and continue on the roof system. Up, up and away>

But right off the bat there was a problem, two guys and a beams...can you tell what the problem is......tick.....tick......tick......tick.....tock.

Well, even Scooter is thinking what could have been wrong, are they to short, to long, notched to deep, not notched enough...WHAT IS IT!!!!!

OK ready.....when they first strapped up the beam, they stapped it straight up but the roof is a 10 12 pitch. When the beam got up to be set, they couldn't get it lay in the notch correctly because of the angle and the weight of the beam. So back down it came, and they adjusted the straps so the beam would be at a 10 12 pitch. Sometimes, it not the big things, but the little ones...that count.

Well, you can see how easy it was to set the beam once it was adjusted.

Three 16 inch ollies were then screwed into each point where the purlongs crossed the rafter.

It didn't take them long to finish up one side and start on the other side...of yea the angle is now reversed.

Well, our chief, I'll climb up on anything, is waiting for more beams....give'm beams....of yea the angle has again reversed...see this isn't as easy as you might think.

High flying ridge purlongs were a sweet sign to see, because this means we are getting closer to having this process completed.

The one thing you can see in this pic is a line from James over to another purlong. The reason was, the wind had picked up to about 30mph as they were setting the ridge purlongs and even the "I'll climb up on anything" decided this would be a good time to try the harness. At over 63 feet to the garage level, we all thought it was a good idea also......and I'm sure my insurance agent would sleep better to boot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you should have used the log hogs
