Monday, December 19, 2005

Choices and Opportunity

What a different world it would be...if when Woodie wanted DrBob to just talk about the classic 14/6 setting instead of what DrBob and others were doing by using a longer term setting of 50, that instead of letting DrBob and his trading buddies leave what if he had offered to turn one of the rooms over to them. People could log into both rooms, switch between the rooms or just stay in which ever room they wanted to.

What a different world it would also be ...if when Woodie wanted Gio to stop doing workshops outside of his TAL and a rift developed that he allowed Gio, JeanYus to do their own thing in one of his rooms.

What a different world indeed, first there wouldn't be any problems of someone posting crapola and getting everyone up in arms. Then Woodie would look like a fatherly image he is after with several good rooms instead of one room and 12 dull rooms.......all it would have taken is to extend a hand in friendship, instead of a slap in the face.

Think about how it would be instead of what we now have......Thanks Woodie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis,

I enjoy reading the blog, keep up the good work. Just curious to find your opinion on the profitability of Woodies Club traders. Do you think 10% are making money or do you think it's less? And do you think CCI on it's own gives too many false signals?

