Monday, December 19, 2005

Anonymous said...
Dennis, you had a lot of time on your hands this weekend!
I wish you would have asked me about the calendar and Soren. I could have saved you an hour of writing. LOL. When I make changes on it, the way it is set up, it erases whole blocks of time. That is totally unintentional.

I thought you were doing hair somewhere since you were nice enough to post on other forums that you really have trouble trading. And yes, I wish I had known you were in in charge of these things, I could have just gone straight to the horse's mouth, besides I understand if you are in charge of updating stuff how you could have deleted stuff and posted stuff wrongly. If have seen that for months now.

Soren is still in the room with us. I see his name all the time.
Does this mean he is in the room with you now.....and you think you can actually see him, does he talked to you? Or, do you mean he is in the trading room and you only hear him...

No one is expected to moderate forever. We all have lives that go on outside of WCCI.
Well this is true, just ask Hoot...he is on vacation also.

Now at least I know why you left in such a "huff"....
Are you a blonde or does your elevator only go to the second floor?

I guess you must be a real Southerner. You do whine a lot in this blog about "past injustices" that you think happened. Sorta like the Civil War.
Well, I ain't all that bright from my book learnin, but I really do think the Civil War happened, but I does know this. Down where I come from, ya'll name is either BobbyCathy or it's just Bobby or just Cathy, but it ain't no BobCathy....that little missy is a Yankee name. Now fur someone that says she ain't no trader in those other places, it sure is nice of you to help give out that advice so people can learn themselves to trade. I guess that is why you were calling yousself BobCathy,
the best we can figure what you are doing to them is.....
Bending them Over Backward Cathy

A New Yorker would shrug his shoulders at all of this and say "who cares? If I don't like it, lump it!" and move on.
Well you ain't from New Yorker either then, because each morning you log your pretty little face into the blog to see what a bad boy I have been...please shrug your shoulders, say "who cares", lump it and try not to log in.....

December 19, 2005 6:17 AM

SIDEBAR: What a different world it would be if Woodie instead of kicking Drbob and Gio out, he had just givenn them a room in the inn. Heaven knows those 13 chat rooms are "NOT" being used to their potential. The idiot that is posting crapola would not be there stirring up trouble, the rooms would still have "his" name on them, people could come into his room and ask about TradeMaven and other things and a great powerful group of networks would be in place....What a different world indeed.......Tell me BobCathy how do we fix that.....??????? Since this is about Traders helping Traders......


Anonymous said...

Actually you are wrong Dennis....I was born and raised in NYC and lived no more than 30 minutes outside of NYC for 42 years.

I retired to Florida.


Anonymous said...

Me, miss a day of your blog? That would be like a day without sunshine!

Trading is a really lonely business and surfing is what makes it fun for me.

Merry Christmas Dennis!

Anonymous said...

Cathy doesn't realize Soren is still moderating, just not where you think he is.

Cathy also doesn't know that Soren has more faith in another trading method.

There's a lot Cathy doesn't know, despite the fact we try to help her. Some of us really are "traders helping traders" - not "traders helping woodie."

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Soren was moderating somewhere else. Hey, it is a free country!

I wouldn't know, because I don't check out other rooms. Too much BS.
