Thursday, March 16, 2006

First bar vs Third bar reversal....

Monday was the 6th day in a row that the first bar worked......and you just knew this couldn't go on forever.....could it.

Tuesday, the market opened and the first bar was to the down side by a tick, so when I get stopped out I will go the other direction if the third bar setup triggers that reversal........TWO LOSERS.

Wednesday, the market opened and the first bar was to the up side by a couple of ticks, so when I get stopped out I will go the other direction if the third bar setup triggers that reversal........TWO LOSERS.

Thursday, the market opened and the first bar was to the down side, so when I get stopped out I will go the other direction if the third bar setup triggers that reversal........ONE LOSER.

So after kickin it for just over a week, the first bar and third bar reversal setups were crapola for 5 losers in a row....go figure. By now, most of you would have bought another filter or just plain won't take another setup no matter what....and that is OK.....

Just someday you can't keep you head on straight....can you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of this weeks 3min trades were into resistance or support of some kind. Don't you ever consider this or arent there some syms somewhere in there?