Monday, March 13, 2006

First bar six in a row baby.....

Well, the first bar trade again did it's thing and made us a few bucks. Then we had our secret sauce telling us to buy the market.....SO we had a nice 50 CCI ZLR that triggered for our second trade.....and we talked about it in the TraderHaven chat room on relay7 in today as it unfolded. But even better then this was a couple other little things.

CB had symmetry, which is my guiding light on her 3m can study this idea at her website at and she would be glad to give ya a free trial.

The best thing about using CB service is the road map she provides, if you let set your indicators to the side and think of market structure......We in the chat room knew the market could get to 740.50-60 but here is the magic.

You see that CB had the same dang number on 3 different time frames....hummmm could there be a clue here.....could there?

Well with the internals spiking at that number...there was several of us that covered there near the high of the day.......

Now I have done several workshops in the past and showed my stuff and gave it out to anyone that had FT......there is a couple that still use it and it's a simple idea....if you have green bars with the secret sauce green and it takes out the last green bar without taking out the low of the last green bar you go long......WELL, it seems to still work.

SIDE NOTE: Today at the high we had a crown pattern I wrote about in Active Trader mag a while back......and it even worked today.....go figure!!!!

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