Monday, January 30, 2006

Love those Lady Vols

Some on you might think that I love sports.....well you are right!!! Pee Wee baseball is the best comedy show on the planet and if you ever watched would have to agree.

But sometimes there is a player that is just above and beyond....and for four years, we watched the most beautiful women in Tennessee play basketball. Now she was a good player or she wouldn't been on the team. Coach Summit only interviews a dozen players each year....and only selects 3, because of her program she gets top players.

So Britt not only could play ball, but looked great doing it. So check out this website.....she was a marketing major.


RG2JH said...

Hey Dennis, didn't you read the copyright notice at the bottom of the posted page? I'll have to call Brittany about a lawsuit /g/

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will spank Dennis instead.