Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Getin'r done....but first

Before we set the last set of roof trusses we moved everything except the hot tub up on the fourth floor by using the crane. These 4x12 rafter tails are 16 feet long and will go around the house every 32 inches.....cost $740.00 plus the cost of deliver, staining and varishing.

Needless to say there was a pile of them...ok piles of them.

Also all the OSB was setup on the fourth floor and were packed in a stack of 25. Slowly each group of rafter tails were moved up.

The guys all wear gloves, the really cheap ones, but they wear gloves right up until they finger show thru.....of course that is only opportunity others when they are thrown away.....

Group after group are moved up making sure that a 2x4 is placed under them in case of rain.....just a side note, the Smoky's are considered the North American rain forest.....and at times I believe it.

The plumber is actually one of those people......he went to UT and got a degree in engineering and reads everything and of course....knows everything. So it's a game of wits at times. He is paid by the hour.......NOT by the.....

The amount of pipe and connectors he uses.....this is a running joke since we have changed where things go. NO, NO....we decided to move the bathroom over here against this wall......but you have to love them, I promised, for better or worse, richer or poorer, blah, blah, blah until death do you part.....hummmmmm

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