Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Gio, JeanYus, DrBob, just never know

Well over the past 18 months, there have been a lot of changes. Some good, some not so good and some just down right ugly and we watched it unfold each day.

As we look back, it can bring as smile to your face because this isn't prime time television or some soap's the World of Wood. I still wonder what it would be like if only a few things were different.

Not taken cash at the door of the Trade-a-Longs.
Showing a receipt from the MAW foundation for each TAL.
Allowing PM's.
Not using puppets.
Not banning people just because they asked questions.
Setting up another room for DrBob and his trading friends that like to trade the 50CCI setup.
Setting up another room for Gio and her trading friends that like to trade the market using the CCI but with a few other toys.

This picture kinda sums it up....doesn't it?

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