Friday, August 03, 2007

Woodies CCI Club and are you trading wreckless...

The market is about to open, you are scoping it out, the latest news reports, the overnight markets, companies that reported earnings, newsletters, emails, posting in a chat room, listening to CNBC and Maria talk about what is going to happen and the list of crap just goes on and on.....

But there is a point in time, when you will push your little skateboard forward, think for a moment, take a deep breath then close your eyes and say a little prayer and then just do matter the risk.

Is that how you are trading, are you still the little boy on that skate board...only you know....and you do know.....don't YA? Being in a chat room following the cool-aide crowd isn't going to make you rich, trying to figure out the 29 different version of the CCI isn't going to make you rich either. I have yet to find anyone that trades just the CCI and has been successful. I do have a list of people who "did" trade the CCI and either don't or can't today. WHY, well it ain't because they are too rich to trade you figure it already know, but just haven't come to the point of believing it YET!!!! And the red balls just keep coming and coming....don't they??

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