Monday, March 12, 2007

THOSE BASTARDSssssss.............

So there we spend billions and billions of dollars from 1990 right up to the December 31, 1999....The whole world....the MEDIA....even Maria was worried that the world as we knew it would come to a halt....traffic lights, coffee makers, power plants, you name it wouldn't work. Companies using the JIT inventory management systems and production schedules would have far reaching problems in getting fresh fish from Cape Cod to fresh strawberries from California...yada yada yada....

And what happened...NOTHING...which then caused the companies to cancel order with CSCO, LU, etc which by the end of the first quarter.....WELL, it was over...someone blow out the candle and the party was over. BEAR MARKET for a year and a half.

This morning something as simple as setting your clocks ahead one hour in the USA has caused more problems then YK2 ever thought off. ALL Mircosft products except XP and Vista are not supported by MSFT, so go to hell was their reply...SCREW UP and upgrade....oh yea....and it will only cost you.....yada yada yada......

So do we hate the government for forcing this upon us....or do we hate MSFT for not providing customer services.......BIG BROTHER AGAINST BIG BROTHER!!!!!!

It's great to be an AMERICAN, we at least I know I'm free......never mind!!!!!
Where is my credit card at?????

For those who trade for a living and enjoy Trade know what I mean about "ANY" upgrades or changes when it comes from then. When we went from 4.0 to 2000i I was down for 4 days......then from 2000i to TS6.0 build 2236...I was down for another 2 days......and I have not done anything to my main computer including shutting it down....I'm afraid to touch it. NOW I HAVE TO UPGRADE THE OPERATION SYSTEM...THIS MIGHT GET UGLY....REAL UGLY!!!!



Anonymous said...

To ERR is human.

To really foul things up requires a COMPUTER!


Anonymous said...

eSignal keeps resetting the clock. Any idea if it will quit this behavior after the regular DST date?

walletexpert said...

upgrade to XP doesn't change anything. Vista is a mess. You pretty much depend on computers, why don't you ask a tech support guy for help?