Anonymous said...
13:35:36 {prospero:drbob} http://www.users.on.net/~costa/
13:35:55 {prospero:drbob} theres the recorings steve pass the info around as u wish be careful :)
And so it begin, He doesn't like you any more and kicks ya out because you are getting a little glory from the non-puppets then he is, first it's the text-b-gone feature, but if you get "to good"....THEN out comes the "YOU-B-GONE" hammmer......
Now you would think or have to believe that with 10 rooms and 9 that have no one in at times except "HIM" and the Engish Princess that "HE" would enjoy having the room used for a different approach but still using the CCI.....
Well you would think, BUT NO.....without any private discussion and it doesn't matter how long, how much you have done, how far you would go......you find this message on the screen......and the official word is...."Well, it has become a distraction". In English, what that means you are distracting the non-puppets from ME...me....me.....me....and I ain't going to have THAT to me....me....me......
Now comes the problem that might be out there, say you signed a contract for the TAL conference rooms and booked the hotel rooms, most likely that would be in your home state...Of course, if all the tax returns were filed properly, there would be no problem. But, if there was an audit, then guess who they would come after first...since you would own property in that state....and since there is not any disclosure of any kind....and since this is...I mean...was all about just helping traders and not for profit a lot of people could be hanging their ass out there for nothing......
So before you lean into it.....you might want to consider what could go wrong...very wrong.....for those who have done this, you might want to think about how "HE" has treated others.........in the past
Jayscat, Fitzy, Blinky, Kart, Sgt. J, MoneyPenny, Dloomis, Kiwi, KenP, KenC, Won, Hoot, Heart, Samira, TL3, RMK, TraderDave, Busa, tHEfED, Olmikey, Dax...man the list is really endless.
If you decide, Hey I was just helping out...I didn't know.....then maybe it's time to come clean before there is knock on YOUR DOOR.....something to think about for sure.......
Just a side note...today there was some problems with the chat room on relay7...being disconnected and all. Remember last night I told you there would be problems... more later on how it's done......stay tuned...
I got booted the first time - every one else got it then too.
I got it the second time with a select few.
I wonder if Red has been giving target lessons again. Seems the aim is getting better.
Probably a hotcomm snafu and/or a coincidence in real fact.
not sure i understand your compulsive and peculiar facination--even obsession--with these other hc rooms. you have your own room, no?
Snafu....being the KEY word on that one....rotfl
Actually, YES I DO. And I thought you knew that Anonymouse.
If you believe in a snafu, then I have some property to sell you in South Florida.
is the property nice?
why wouldn't dennis be allowed to have a peculiar, compulsive, obsessive fascination with other HC rooms? the man's paid big money to have access and now host a room with their service. do you think it would be ethical if somehow the creator of a free service like mirc or paltalk or skype peeped in on private conversations and relayed them to others? or to lock them out of the program because of the content of their conversation? or to disrupt their ability to freely assemble just because of who they were? of course not. now imagine that it's a paid online service doing this. imagine AOL having such snafus with its subscribers in their chatrooms. they've faced liability in lawsuits for just technical problems. imagine if they were actually snooping in on subscribers and pushing buttons to boot, ban, and disconnect paid subscribers in cubs chatroom XII just because their cubs talk upsets the white sox fan host in chisox chatroom IV. that's what it comes down to. woodie's rules his roost, but none of the people he's booted have ever done anything illegal, unethical or offensive in any manner except to cross woodie's imaginary lines of morality. HC has taken upon itself to be his weapon in fucking with other paid subscribers. woodie's never paid a red cent for his rooms or as a subscriber, but he rules the entire HC universe. isn't that peculiar? isn't that fascinating? if you're a paying host or a paying subscriber, and especially if you've been a victim of woodie and his snafus on HC to disrupt your paid service, then that's seriously fubar.
Thank you, Dr Bob for sharing your lectures. I thought they were gone forever after tonyuk erased them. Thank you Dennis for letting us know where they are.
I'll be shocked if this JeanYus guy lasts the rest of the year in WCCI. He's the perfect candidate to be disillusioned and disgusted if someone can kidnap him and deprogram him from the Cult of Wood. He's a newbie, been trading fulltime for less than a year, and dove head first into the cult and swallowed everything whole. He's been a generous giver to MAW, falling for Woodie's "for the kids" scam, hook line & sinker. He's already a veteran moderator. He's dared to take it upon himself to experiment with classic CCI and add his own flourishes. Furthermore, at Woodie's invite, he's given a lecture on his accelerator trade. No doubt he's recently been told to can it, since he's not mentioning it all anymore. Things have progressed fast for him, and it can unravel faster. If he has a true spine and a brain, he'll start to put 2 + 2 together and see he's on the same path as others before him. Nothing against him, because he seems like a good person. Just naive to the ways of the cult as we once were. If he opens his eyes to see his meteoric rise to be one of today's favorite sons only by stepping over the discarded corpses of yesterday's favorite sons, then I don't see how a man of any conscience can stay in the koolaid line, let alone help the old man dispense it to the other brain dead cultists. Hopefully he leaves on his own terms before Woodie predictably turns viciously on him.
Looks like a lot of old Woodie room pillars have jumped to traderhaven. Even Angela is there who I believe was in charge of lining up mods in the W room. He's quickly trying to get any of his seasoned people who are left to sign up on his forum for regular postings and of course an additional committment to the room. Me thinks W is getting nervous.
Ya know some of us who stay with Woodie because we are happy where we are. Some of us for years. Quietly making money. Lending a hand or our support to make the club work. No complaints, no egos, no bullshit.
Are you the guy who gets to fly first class with wife to the tradealongs?
Nope, just someone who quietly trades all day. There are a lot of us. Never been to a TAL.
Anon 3:04 - I am glad you are doing well. If you are only trading the cci as woodie teaches - even more power to you.
I started with woodie in Paltalk. Regardless of how he treats people, I only have one problem - where is the money that is suppose to go to MAW - the kids?
If there is none - just drop that whole pretense. I have no problem with anyone making a dollor or two - JUST NOT IN THE NAME OF CHARITY!
Woodie has given $85,000 to Make A Wish through the CCI room.
What have you done? Given a dollar to the Fire Department Boot Drive?
This is one of the indoctrination multiple choice questions for the Cult of Wood.
Which of the following is true?
A) $85K to MAW
B) 1300 individual daily visitors to the 10 WCCI HC rooms
C) 80% success with ZLR
D) 150 hits from the US Government to the WCCI site every month
E) All of the above
Don't judge others lest you be judged.
Wow we live in a paranoid world. I would say A is true and B C D are exaggerated for sure.
More like 700 visitors, 60% with ZLRs and the hits from the gov't? I couldn't even guess on that one.
Where the heck to you come up with this stuff?
This article in SFO quotes Woodie as saying there are 1300 people that come through the rooms everyday. I dunno, I am there all the time and I never saw that many? Maybe there are a lot more people at night than I thought!
I beleive the 150 hits from "the gov't" are correct. They are always looking for something! You know they are watching the internet. Probably have a worm in everyone's computer. Big brother is watching you!
The Big Brother G-Men have switched monitoring Al Qaeda and are now concentrating on Woodie to make sure that (except for Rover) nobody is posting exact entries, exact exits, and net point totals. Every other financial chatroom does it. Every talking head on TV does it. Every self-proclaimed guru website does it. But Woodie is extra special, so the government has the WCCI under a microscope to make sure they keep all the trading "advice" as fuzzy, unhelpful and worthless as possible. Therefore, all newbies must pony up money to go to the TALs where they can get more worthless information in person.
No paranoia there.
Yes, the vagueness leaves a lot to be desired sometimes. A bit paranoid, but maybe they have a reason? So you have to pick your favorite moderators and watch for them on the schedule.
Or maybe those 150 people from "the gov't" are trading WCCI from their work computers... lol... and maybe I'm one of them ;)
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