Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Even Mittens believes in prayer...and for good reason!

They called it stormy monday,but tuesday is just as bad
Oh, they called it, they called it stormy monday,
But tuesday, tuesday is just as bad
Oh, wednesday is worst and thursday oh so sad

The eagle flies on friday now, saturday I’ll go out to play
Oh, the eagle, the eagle flies on friday saturday I’ll go out and play
Sunday I’ll go to church, and I fall on my knees and pray

I say, lord have mercy, lord have mercy on me
But lord, lord have mercy lord have mercy on me
You know my master is paranoid
Lord, please send the SPCA for me

SO what happened on August 24, 2004 do you want to answer that one???


Anonymous said...

Trading, good. Poetry, baaaad. Hmm...better not give up your day job.

Dennis Bolze said...

It's a spng called Stormy Monday by BB King.....

Dennis Bolze said...

It's a song that is......sorry before you spend your time looking it up in the dictionery..

Dennis Bolze said... da day

Anonymous said...

I dunno, not much happened here that day. I got up, made coffee and traded. What is earth shattering to you is just another day in my trading office to me. Yawn.

Anonymous said...
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