Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Anonymous said...

He had to take everything offline in a settlement with Woodies lawyers.

Anonymous said...

11:59 Anon - That's a good laugh.... No one in their right mind would represent woodrow over Cheese providing some honest gio related commentary.

Anonymous said...

Well that's a darn shame. Cheese might be off the wall in most respects but he was on the money in regards to Woodies BS.

When it comes down to a pissing contest with lawyers who do the odds favor? A guy that is struggling to achieve his dream of being a successful trader who has depleted his mony? Or the SOB that helped him deplete his money and also pocketed a lot of funds from less than scrupulus means. Obniously the big money will win. And it is still a shame.

Anonymous said... why would Woodie have an issue or concern with anything Cheese or anyone else had to say if it wasn't affecting his pocketbook? Obviously he felt that it would and he would lose or have a reductuion to his revenue stream if he had bad publicity.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Phil, you really cannot make the claim:

"Cheese becomes a profitable trader while 99% of the people passing through WCCI Inc. remain losers"

The only truth is what the brokerage statements show and you don't have access to anyone's but your own. There's no point in challenging your claim because it's just an opinion and just as valid as anyone else's.

gb007 and Dennis have it right. You find something that looks good, gather enough statistics to confirm your trading plan as having a positive expectancy and then proceed to pound away in real-time. All of the preoccupation with this trader is successful and that trader is not but others believe him is just a time waster (remember Pareto's Law)

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that 80% of the readable stuff comes from 20% of the blogs in the universe? lol