Today, Mittens was depressed not having DrBob and Verus in the chat room. It seems that Mittens had been talking behind "HIS" back while "HE" was in the bathroom. The setting for the CCI are not working and with Mitten's name one of the setups, she is worried about her name and what the other cats in AZ might be saying.
Mittens it seems is also paranoid now, and sleeps near the door with a light on now. "HE" keeps walking around the house saying stuff under his breathe and staring. Of course, Mittens was de-clawed months ago after "that" incident....and has not been left out since.....
After months and month of endless work.....they are gone and she is left with "HIM".
I think all the HE and HIM references might be blasphemous, the candle has never been so dark
Nicktraders also afraid for a nicktrader-be-gone ?
Fri May 20 Nicktrader wrote at woodies forum :
"Since this "interview" my trading has evolved. I no longer use multiple timeframes, now use 1 timeframe per market. Currently trade 4 markets. The 5 minute chart for YM and ZN (10 year bond) and 3 minute chart for ER2 and EUR. I watch the ES and NQ 3 minute charts but do not trade those at this time."
Smells like wood.
deep stuff
What's this "interview" Nicktrader is talking about? Must be Woodie-speak. Other cults refer to it as the "indoctrination" process.
I am really amazed by the reaction I've seen after Woodie removed me not only as a moderator of his trading room but also as a member.
Although you have not asked me the reasons he had for doing so, but given that he is still saying openly that he has not blocked me and that I can enter any time I want, I have decided to post here my version of the facts.
I have always thought that when you do things right, truthfully, honestly and with a good intention you will only be remembered in a good manner and it seems to me now that's is the way many people will remember me.
I really think that the whole thing occurring with Woodie stinks; I only tried during many months to help not only him but a lot of traders giving away for free a lot of my time and my hard work and what I received from him is this kind of treatment. But believe me when I say that the most outrageous thing for me was to watch how Woodie did not have the courage to tell people in the chat room why he was making such a decision. He was just going around the bushes instead of saying “I am the owner of this room and I removed Verus as a moderator because he did not want to do only what I tell him to do” or something like that.
For full disclosure I need to say that I never had a problem with Ken Wood (Woodie), I never received any special treatment from him, I never attended a free TAL, I even never talked to him on the phone. I was just doing my part as a moderator because I love serving other people.
About 3 or 4 weeks ago, he started telling me - thru Private Messages (PM) - not to use or promote 50CCI in the chatroom because, according to him, I was confusing people. My answer was always that I did not understand what was happening or what his point was because as far as I remember he was the first one promoting it in his website and even inviting DrBob to the last California TAL. He never had a clear answer to me and was not saying anything different than "It is confusing".
It was really something I never understood; he promoted 50CCI and DrBob as one of the best things happening but suddenly, when he saw that 50CCI trades became popular and that many traders were following DrBob, Woodie started pushing in a very strange manner his classic CCI patterns. Everytime I, or somebody else, posted a trade or something related to 5034 or 5014, he was writing immediately something like "basic CCI is better", "Go to longer timeframes for classic patterns" or "that is a classic CCI ghost on 15 minutes" etc, etc.
After trading CCI Woodie’s Style for almost 8 months now, I can tell without any doubt that the 50CCI trades as described by DrBob in his system are clear, not subjective to many interpretations and supported by a very logic concept. You only need one timeframe, you know what kind of stop to use, you know when to enter and when to exit and you even know what profit to expect if the trade goes your way.
I found his system ver interesting and after listening to DrBob and studying it thoroughly – I even coded an strategy for TS that I trade – I thought it was something I had to promote because it was really going to help other people. At least, that's what I thought I was suppossed to do.
Given that for me this was only about “Traders Helping Traders” and not about egos or names, Woodie or Verus or DrBob, I posted my trades on real time and the way I was taking them.
Don’t get me wrong my friend; I also think that Divergences are great trades – they have always been great signals even before Woodie, that Ghosts, VTs and Shamus work fine in some market scenarios and with some nuances you have to observe and finally that some combinations of patterns including TLBs and HTLBs are fairly good. As a matter of fact I use them as part of my trading toolbox. What I cannot state is that ZLRs are great trades or have a high probability of being profitable, or that the sidewinder works alone, or that all ghosts are winners.
In other words, some WCCI patterns work in my opinion but for me, and just for me, DrBob trades are more solid conceptually and mathematically. I guess that being a College Statistics & Probabilities Professor made me like theories with solid support more than others. But that is just me.
Going back to the actual situation with Woodie, I think I know what was the drop that made the whole thing explodes. One day, maybe a week ago or so, I had a problem with HotCom and could not post in time a 5034 I took at 9:38 AM EST; when I finally logged into the room around 10:15 AM EST I posted that I was short following that 5034 and that I was posting late because of connection problems. For full disclosure and trying to help others, I kept posting how I was moving my stops and finally I said I was flat, stating my reason for exiting, and that I had made 40 ticks per contract. In the mean time, the moderator had been waiting all morning long for a ZLR or other signal on ER 3' to take a trade but he did not got any because 14CCI did not move from extremes.
Woodie got upset and sent me a PM saying that many traders did not appreciate what I was doing, that he had received many emails from CCI traders that morning complaining about it and that he did not want me to promote 50CCI stuff. He also said that it was not fair with other people to let them know I was in a position when I was already making a profit.
Believe me; I was so amazed I could not believe what Woodie was telling me! Isn’t that exactly what Gio does all the time without any problem caused? She is always short or long from pre-market and making a lot of money!
Tired with the soap opera and expecting it to stop as soon as possible, I moderated the last Thursday I did without using any 50CCI chart or entries. I was asked many times by many people why I was not using 50CCI and I just said I was going to focus on Regular & Classic CCI. In the meantime, Woodie was telling me what great job I was doing.
At this point I want you to know that after being told not to use 50CCI on the chat room and after Dharma being removed as a moderator for using “too much 50CCI stuff” – she only moderated once and it was awesome- DrBob, Dharma, me and other 9 or 10 friends went to a demo HotComm room to discuss only 50CCI trades.
We were pleasing Woodie, weren't we? He did not want us to discuss 50CCI on his chat room so we went to another place to do so. It seems to me it was our “big mistake”.
Last Wednesday, at the end of the day, I saw a PM from Woodie asking "are you there?" and after I answered him we had a private conversation that lasted close to one hour. He wanted to discuss with me what "I was doing and why I was doing it”. He did not have any argument different than telling me he did not like the fact that I was part of another trading room and that for him it was enough proof that I was not loyal to him. It was for me a big surprise and I considered the point really stupid. I told him what we were doing – I did not lie because I had nothing to hide - and at one point of the conversation I even told him that I was a grown man, not a kid, and that I considered some parts of my life private and untouchable.
He kept saying that I was doing wrong, that I was pulling people from his room to this new room (?) that I was against him, and on and on and on. In other words, another soap opera without an end.
I told him I did not understand why he was so angry about some of us chatting in a different room about 50CCI when he was the first one to promote DrBob and his new system thru his website. I told him we were in a different chat room just because he made us do it thru asking us not to discuss 50CCI in his chat room. I told him 50CCI was an excellent system for advanced CCI traders and it was an addition to his system instead of being a threat to it. I told him we were acting openly and so far from being against him that we were even using our regular nicknames. I told him JeanYus Accelerator, Wolfson Ghost, GB007 TLB, DrBob 5034 and 5014, NickTrader TLBs were systems based on CCI and instead of looking at them as enemies he should look at them as friends.
I even asked him why he was so upset at me for being part of a tiny 50CCI room when he was fine with other moderators being part of other chartrooms not related to CCI. Although sometimes he said I was right and he agreed with me, I noticed he did not have much to say different that he was uncomfortable with the fact that I was in another chat room. In other words, he did not like the idea of DrBob, Dharma and me being together discussing 50CCI.
Tired of it because I realized it was a waste of time, I finally just said I had been helping him and his CCI room thru dedicating my time to moderating, and giving away for free, codes, charts, workspaces, etc. to WCCI traders using TStation and that given it was his room and his system, he was the only one who could make a decision about me moderating or not. As you already know, I am not longer a moderator and he took my place Thursdays afternoon.
I was hoping he had the guts to tell everybody, if asked, why I was not moderating but at the same time, I was pretty sure he was not going to. Wednesday night, after finishing our conversation around 20:54, all the transcripts disappeared! He did not want any proof left of our conversation and he reset the room!
21:21:16 {Verus_FL} 5/18/2005 (Private to woodie): Woodie, what happened with all the transcripts?
21:21:46 Verus_FL} what happened?
21:22:01 {Iceman} my chat went away
21:22:18 {: woodie} i had to reset room
What he did not know at that point was that I was copying, pasting and saving it as a word doc. I was pretty sure he was going to do something like that and I wanted to keep those transcripts as a proof of how somebody that you have helped unconditionally can one day betray you without ant hesitation. However, and unfortunately for me, I did not have enough time and lost some substantial part of it.
Thursday morning I waited again for Woodie to explain why he took that decision and why he was taking my place as a moderator but he didn't. He wanted everybody to think that I was quitting! Because of that I decided to go public so I posted:
10:28:09 {prospero:Verus_FL} I am sorry to let you know that I am not moderating any longer at WCCI; after serving this trading community for a long time without any other interest than helping, I was at least expecting somebody to let you know why Woodie is taking my place this afternoon but nobody did. I want you to know that it was my pleasure doing it and I enjoyed it a lot. I am for sure going to miss all of you. Keep it up and good trading; VERUS_FL
Still, not a word from DA MAN explaining anything; he even had the guts to post:
10:30:07 {prospero:woodie} thanks verus good post
There was an avalanche of postings asking what was going on, why I was not moderating, etc. but he kept quiet. Biggs was moderating and he was sort of surprised with the situation and when things got out of control he asked traders to forget about superfluous things and go back to trading.
Then I made my final decision and posted:
10:39:44 {prospero:Verus_FL} Biggs, I am not superfluous, I am a human being; but yes guys, keep focused on trading. Thanks Woodie for your post at 10:30 but please tell them that I did not quit and why I am out of the moderators roster. Thanks for all your teachings. I will see you around
And finally, after months of hard work helping Woodie and his community, I got my reward:
10:40:48 {prospero:Houston2-BOT5} 5/19/2005 (Private): You have been disconnected and blocked by room's moderator!
10:40:49 {prospero:Houston2-BOT5} Disconnected 5/19/2005.
And you already know the rest of the story.......................
Ok my dear friend; this is the end of Verus the Moderator but not the end of VERUS DA TRADER! See you around and thanks for providing us with this blog to post our opinions freely.
I am going to think a little bit about what to do in the near future. As of now I am starting to think about having my own website and a trading chatroom.
Best regards;
Ivan Gonima – Verus_FL
Verus - wow. Wow. There is a whole pyschology study here just waiting to be done investigating the paranoia of Ken Wood.
Its interesting that after all this with you and Dr Bob not even Jimsy or one of the other henchmen has shown their face.
Thanks Ivan for clearing the air. I will be looking for you somewhere to hear your great moderating style and learn from your market knowedge.
Verus/Dr Bob,
Please keep us posted as to where u will be and if you do start a 50 CCI chat room. I am a woodies room member that was struggling for months to make "classic CCI" work consistently, and only started to have success with trades when Dr Bob introduced his system. My success was enhanced when i started using classic cci signal setups on minute charts as confirming indicators for Dr Bob's system.
Too bad Woodie cant recognize the benefits Dr Bob's system has for providing good entries to trades which you couldnt have entered with classic CCI signals. And if this wasnt about ego or Woodies insecurity open up a room dedicated to 50 CCI trades. It is evident he doesnt like the fact that the name of the setup has DR BOB in it and not WOODIE.
On a personal front it has been a real pleasure to hear you moderate and you can be ensured if you end up in another chat room I will be there. Hopefully we will see you around in the future.
Ivan: I want to thank you personally for all you've done. You are truly a kind and giving man. I am so sorry for the indignity and horrible treatment you've received. I am one of the little people in Woodie's room, kept silent and anonymous by the fear of retribution. I am ashamed of my cowardice. My trading has finally showed signs of life after a year with the CCI because of DrBob's 50 CCI. Friday was eerie because there wasn't a single mention of "5034 setting up on the ER." Something that'd be mentioned 50 times a couple days ago was suddenly pretended not to exist. The discomfort ate at me. It eats at me still. I couldn't sleep tonight, so I'm here and was so happy to hear that you wrote your letter and could clear the situation. Your conscience is clear. For me and the rest of the little people, the silent majority in that room, I hope we can clear ours too.
-Nameless in Korea
Don't be the silent majority.....
"First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out.
Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out.
Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.
And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me."
"And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me."
It happens all the time .... that's how we got WW2 ..... Nazism was initially met with pacifism by people who thought the flames would never get to their ass.
Oh pleeeeeze.......how melodramatic of you anon. LOL
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