bobcathy1 said...
Can I give you a little advice? Stop writing this stuff, it takes time away from living. And it attracts a pile of idiots. Look at most of the entries. No one even cares what you wrote, they just spew forth their own bile.
Spend it just enjoying a nice day or some good music. Talk to someone you can actually see!
I figured out a while ago....Who the hell cares what I think? It is a waste of precious time to publish these things.
3:45 PM
I copied and pasted just this part of your post in the comment section. Cathy, why would you even consider reading this blog...The last I checked you are a moderator in the Duke of Wood, and beyond that.....I understand that you live in FLA, and with the name of Cathy and your husband Bob, I also believe you are a US citizen. When I was in school, we studied a legal document called the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights....(http://www.billofrights.org/).
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Now I understand that in the Duke of Wood you can no longer PM each other, I understand that you can't mention anything without the word CCI in it, I also understand that you can't even mention, anymore, that you have made an adjustment to the CCI and I understand that if you even question anything that is going on.... WELL "you are out of here"....
As far as the idiots, there seems to be two types of posts, one that support the things that appear here and the ones that can only blast, slander, call names and talk about pissing on my shoes. So which can you believe in..... If the only thing that the second group can do is slander and so on instead of saying, HEY.... Here is canceled check to MAW, no I don't use a certain setting to front run room attendees..... Yes, he have used puppets in the past, but we don't anymore......No that is not true, I have never banned anyone...... Yes, I worked out a deal with eSignal..... No he didn't do that and here is the proof... Yes he did do that thing..... And here is the proof for that. Then you have to believe that the second group is living in a straw house.
As far as enjoying the day, good music and talk to someone you can actually see...WELL, then you really don't know anything about me. There are several people in my office, there is a picture out there somewhere, so I have someone to talk to all day long. Second, it's nice to view the world with rose colored glasses and listening to Enya all day and float out to the refrig waving your hands in the air....Singing Red, red wine.....BUT......
You are new to the Duke of Wood, and don't have a clue what it was like....Three years ago, two years ago, at Orlando or even Las Vegas. You don't have a clue about all the people that the Duke has kicked and banned ...Now do you, or even why? About all the things he has done as he sold out......While pretending it was business as usual.....Now do you?
And a waste of precious time.....Good one. Since I started this blog, I have received a lot of emails from former members and are filling in the pieces. The guy who took out a second mortgage on his home, lost it all and then lost his home in FLA. The guy who cashed in his IRA, because he thought he could get rich trading the CCI and those magic 80% winners (which have been published) and after it was gone....So was his wife and family. So far, 23 people have come forward giving their story and none of them have a pretty picture with them, say the least.
I will continue to enjoy writing this blog....Thank you very much...And you have the right to view it...or not. But someday in the future, when you take off those rose colored glasses.....We can talk shop.
IT's also was nice to see "EarlofArizona".....In the TradersParadise chat room on Friday. There can only be two questions on this one....What could he be doing in a chat room on the "FORBIDDEN LIST"
1. See that works in there so he can code it up for the Duke?
2. Looking to see if there is something there that he can use to actually make money?
Time will tell...Won't it.
Its alright Cathy, little sport is still back around the grade 5 mentality, well maybe grade 6
Cathy.....what the "press" said about me.
Now there is a good one, until you posted a comment and asked that I stop writing this.....I personally can't remember ever saying anything about you.....you can rest assured that since you walk the blinded path and are not really an "insider", you are not on any radar screens. HUT, HUT....
Cathy, give it a rest. There are good ways and bad ways to use the light of a candle. You can use it to start a fire that will warm a home. You can use it to light your path when a storm has come in and knocked out your power. You can light a path in the deepest darkness. Or you can choose a different use for the flame of a candle. You can burn someone that you think has a brighter candle than you. Heck you can even burn their house down and put a family at risk.
It is clear that some have taken the higher path and have a higher calling. And some that appeared to use the light of a candle in a negative and destructive way.
During this trading journey I shared with my children the goodness of Woodie and tried to explain to them what a good man he was for trying to help others, and how unusual that is. They would come into my office and see HC up all the time. It was like a family and I sure felt part of it.
Now imagine how bad I feel to have to tell my children that Woodie wasn't such a nice guy afterall. In fact he turned into a bad person with bad motives and only looked out for himself. I can tell you that this is something I never thought I'd have to do but something I must do.
And there is the case of my father. He's allways been a skeptic and whenever I saw him, he'd always ask if I was still trading the CCI and if I was still following Woodie. I haven't told him yet that Woodie was a fraud, liar, cheat, etc. I'ts embarassing to be a loser in your father's eyes. And up to now I've been a loser, pure and simple.
Thankfully there is some light! Sport, drbob, versus and others had those candles that don't go out no matter how hard you try and blow them out. They keep burning! They are lighting the way for others. They are trying to improve trading and life for others because they are good people.
Again, good triumphs over evil. With less than half the people in his room than just a month ago, Woodies days are numbered. Vendors won't be paying him because his numbers are down. In fact, vendors are starting to see that any association with Woodie is negative and will start removing any mention of him or links to anything Wooden.
In fact, I'll be contacting PFG, Esignal, TradeMaven and anyone else he associates with to voice concerns about their associations. And perhaps the local media in AZ. They love a good story.
It's really up to the survivors of Wood to make sure others don't have to go through the same things we did. Let's put Woodie where he belongs....out of trading and onto a shuffleboard court in dusty AZ town.
bobcathy1, interesting...if you are making money trading CCI exactly as Woody teaches you would be the first. Anyone else that is making money with CCI has done some modification of the method to reduce the number of false signals. If you take out most of the false signals through the use of a filter, which none are endorsed by Woody, then you have a better chance of making money. Most of the people that use one of the filters that are not standard CCI are not in the room as they were booted.
My wager is that you don't trade for a living, are not profitable trading stricly Woodies CCI as he teaches and you have an income stream from an inheritence, spouse, etc. Trading is a hobby for you.
If Hotcomm told Woody that they were going to charge him for his rooms as they do everyone else, then he would fold up like a tent. Out of the 300 people in there a fraction would sign up and Woody wouldn't be set up to take subscriptions for a paid room. That is the only reason his room wasn't a pay room long ago. He's too lazy and stupid to set it up.
Look forward to seeing you in Sport or drbob's room soon. Where traders do help traders.
Cathy, you've already run the gamut of trading systems and following gurus. No doubt, as with many a worn out trader before you, you came to the "totally free" Land of Wood as a last resort before giving up trading for good. The hype about Woodie is too good to resist. Traders helping traders. MAW. A trading technique given to you for free. But at what cost freedom? Woodie gave you a repackaged version of Barbara Star's CCI, and in return you've given up your soul.
Aren't you a free thinking, intelligent person? Maybe you haven't been in the WCCI for long, but in your short time, you've already seen a turnover in the roster of moderators and club insiders. I know you've dove in headfirst into being completely immersed in the spirit of being a giver for Woodie's cause. You've also upgraded to Trademaven as soon as Woodie endorsed it. You moderate and aren't you also helping to prepare the next FL TAL? God, I hope you're not making bookings and stuff in your name. You're too personally invested to think straight at the moment. You think yourself a part of Woodie's team. Unfortunately, in reality, Woodie sees himself as a team of one with a rotating team of ignorant lackeys to do his bidding.
You know there is no true freedom of speech in the Land of Wood. True free thinkings and speakers have no place there. Woodie deems it all as crossing his own invisible skewed version of morality. There is no freedom of association in the Land of Wood. You can't PM in the room. You can't talk about anything in the "open room" or the other 8 rooms. You can't have a private room and talk about anything. You can't go into the a demo room and talk. It all gets back to Woodie and he'll get to you.
You've downed the entire jug of kool-aid in one swig, Cathy. One day you'll have a rude awakening yourself. No doubt about it. It'll be a crushing blow. Hopefully you can leave on your own terms like angela, barb, rover, etc, did in the past week and not be expunged and summarily dismissed as the ever growing list of "those disrupting grandstanders whom shall never a word be spoken about again." Either way, when you finally free your soul and mind again and see things as they really are, don't worry, you'll be embraced by those who've left before you. There will be no grudges held for your indoctrinated Patty Hearst behavior.
I know you're blissfully ignorant now. It's all a good laugh. All the sufferers at the hands of Woodie deserved it. Woodie can do no wrong in your eyes. You've been around the dock multiple times, consider yourself common sense savvy with street sense and moxie and all the cliches for someone not apt to have the wool pulled over your eyes. However, you've been let down time and time again in life and in trading. Just know Woodie isn't the last resort for you. There is a post-Woodie world with others where you can free your shackled soul and mind and dead trading account. Good luck to you. We'll see you soon.
anonymous posting bugs me too, i also wonder who everyone is afraid of revealing their identity to. I have done my share of snooping around, but ( mostly :) ) with this nick.
Maybe it's just easier to use the anonymous button.
hey cathy
you never answered the question, why did verus deserve to be treated like that.
are you really the kind of person who enjoys watching a fellow moderator and a good person be humiliated in front of hundreds of people without coming to his defense.
while defending the person who delivered the humiliation.
if you are i understand why you need those 'rose colored glasses'
why did the chicken cross the road?
to be fair, cathy has no answer for woodie's boorish/psychotic behavior. it's not for the sheeple to defend the ass, and even if she put herself out there in an attempt to justify woodie's crap and spew out the same cult excuses for why the expelled deserved it, she should be let off the hook for not knowing better.
cathy isn't able to grasp what makes woodie so bad simply because it hasn't affected her personally yet. she can see good people go down all around her, but as long as she's standing, she just doesn't care. i'm not taking a rip at her. i think most people are like that. the great majority of people. and that entails every aspect of life, big and small, from the weighty world issues to tiny family stuff. if they aren't personally affected, they won't bat an eyelash.
so let's imagine, cathy... woodie pm's you this week before you are set to moderate. he tells you he wants you to get rid of your price bars on your charts. he's gotten emails from newbies who say price bars from the moderators charts frighten them, and woodie agrees it goes against classic cci. so scrap them. and start showing the russell and euro cci charts too, because he's gotten email from newbies who don't like your ym only junk. they're interested in more stuff than you're offering. and widen your moderating to more trade opportunities because your chicken little style of taking very few trades a day is boring everyone and nobody is learning. then imagine he says he's backing out of the florida trade-along that you've been planning because of some "family thing" that's come up. would you oblige and heed everything without a whimper, cathy? to not do so might be seen as disruptive, or even worse, as grandstanding. then you're off to leper island, and think how it'd feel if newbie joeblow_UK says on some blog somewhere that you deserved it and he doesn't care about you because it's none of his business.
If you love Woody, you would have loved Tokyo Joe. If I had my choice I would take Joe. He didn't try to kill new traders.
she never answered the question because she have an answer, at least not one that wouldn't make her look like a fool.
it has nothing to do with whether anon asks it or some friend she knows personally.
she knows that verus didn't deserve the treatment he received. and she knows that there is something not quite right about the way it was done.
its unbelievable how cold some people can be.
All BobCathy1 said was the following, among other things:
"Can I give you a little advice? Stop writing this stuff, it takes time away from living. And it attracts a pile of idiots. Look at most of the entries. No one even cares what you wrote, they just spew forth their own bile."
In this instance I must side with BobCathy1, your and others tirade against her is not Sportmanlike of you.
Dont get me wrong, I am no lover of Woodie either.
However, I must point out that Verus, DrBob, Dharma, Fitzy, Kiwi, Olmikey, Dax, Jeff, RMK, TraderDave and even Sport himself, have all in their time made suck up comments to the Wooden monument, thus allowing the Wooden miracle to carry on his fraudulent practices. All of the above folks were finally banned/canned, or left on their own. Why did they make all those suck up comments to the Woodster, thus allowing him to grow. All of the canned ones or those that left were replaced by new ones like JeanYus, Cathy and so forth.
Verus in particular, who went under the nick of Gonima in another chat room, was told more than a year ago, what was to be expected as his fate at the hands of the Wooden One. However, as all others, he perhaps thought, it would not happen to him. This exhibits lack of good judgement on his part, just like the others before him, except in his case, he was clearly warned.
I must point out that all those that left, are and were students of the cci of Woodie, thus claims now that DrBob and Verus and others did great things is questionable. If indeed they were great, then the teachings of Woodie has to be great also, even if Woodie is not ethical which would be quite a differant issue and subject seperate from the Technical Analysis of CCI.
In any case, I am happy and glad that many of you have left, and I thought that I should take the time here to say, that the CCI is still kindergarten stuff. This is your first step to move on to the bigger stuff, and lay off Cathy, as all you are doing is accusing her of what you yourself are guilty of in a larger degree.
With the utmost respect to all and good trading.
I have read so many comments on how Verus was berated. He was a favorite of mine. Would someone please briefly relate what happened that day (one of the few days that I was not tuned in).
Bobcayhy is riht.Give it up.Move on.The woodie has done me wrong wining has become very old.It has be come crap move on.If you guys are so great you will move on.If not you will continuie to ride his coat tails.What is it goig to be'
To 8:26 PM anon:
Wow. You really nailed it with that post. Very inciteful. Until each of us feels threatened in some way, we will not act against something that feels enlightening, comforting and safe. The good feelings that come with belonging-ness are hard to resist.
It's only when our self-preservation instincts finally kick in that we're able to recognize things for what they really are (and were to begin with). It's just like having a bad trading day, and then, when you look over the chart at night, you see how all of your bias twisted the obvious into invisibility at the time it mattered most.
Anon 8:36 AM also made an excellent point. The gist is that hobby traders are the ones who tolerate the BS the most because the downside doesn't really affect their lifestyle one way or the other.
Help - woodie needs moderators for his Main room. Must have been in room at least one week before applying. Must know at least one classic CCI setup. Trading account not required.
9:15 AM EST -- JeanYus *(Main Room)
1:00 PM EST -- cathy_fl *(Main Room)
9:15 AM EST -- woodie *(Main Room)
1:00 PM EST --
9:15 AM EST --
1:00 PM EST --
9:15 AM EST --
1:00 PM EST --
Why must so many do-gooders keep trying to warn Cathy? We've done enough.
It's human nature to want to believe it can only happen to others ... that the flames will roast only other people.
Why can't we just wait? The flames will get to Cathy's ass soon enough.
You know why Sport can't go to the AZ DA? Because Sport is not telling you the truth. He makes groundless claims and tells blatant lies.
And it would not be the AZ DA.....it just might be in Federal Courts....want to know why?
Anon 2:47pm - "groundless claims..." I have yet to read a legitimate counter claim from woodie's camp. Just post a receipt of donation to MAW after a TAL.
Someone posted $85k was donated to MAW in woodie's name. That is great that many in the room were willing to donate. Sport has donated over half of that $85k - and yes, in woodies name.
The question remains, where is the money that is suppose to go to the kids???????? If you claimed that the $ is going to the foundation, you need to follow thru with it.
I am sorry to say...that I, too, have come to the conclusion that Woodie, Ken Wood, is one sick f--k.
While you don't have to pay to be in his "free" room. Nothing is free about it. The currency you use to be a part of that c--k sucker's room is from the account balance of yourself.
Truly, he is a FRAUD, taking credit for someone else's work. He didn't invent CCI for trading, a lady named Barabard did about 14 years ago. He saw it and went "wow", and has plagerized her work all this time.
Ken Wood has an agenda, and your welfare isn't part of it. YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT.
He is a sick individual.
And he is a LIAR.
Man oh man.... I'm so embarassed to have written this. Now I have lived through a "trip to the woodshed" I can only agree with you Dennis.
What a difference a day makes!
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