Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Workshop Feedback......

You can click on the picture to read the entire email from an attendee of the workshop back in October. It seems that this person was having issues as everyone does from time to time, and after the workshop they had found a nugget or two and now have moved to breakeven. There are still issues, but again it appears they are thinking about them and how to move to the next level. There are no simple answers because we are all different, we see things differently and react differently.

It's a journey, and part of that journey is taking a close look at the losers, because that is where fear and greed hang out the most. I would suggest logging the trades with whatever info would be important. Entry time, entry price, stop, first target, and if stopped out then how far against you did it go, stopped out time. If like this person it was a matter of a couple ticks, well you would have to think about moving the stop further away from the entry. But if instead of a couple of ticks, it's more like 5 points. Then I would be thankful you were stopped out when you were......

But it's a journey.......enjoy the ride.

Clinton in the heart of Texas.....

A Republican cowboy from Texas goes to a social function where Hillary Clinton is trying to gather more support for her nomination. Once she discovers the cowboy is a Republican, she starts to belittle him by talking in a southern drawl and single syllable words.

As she was doing that, she kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around her head. The cowboy says, "Y'all havin' some problem with them circle flies?"

She stopped talking and said, "Well yes, if that's what they're called. But I've never heard of circle flies."

"Well ma'am," the cowboy replies, "circle flies hang around ranches. They're called circle flies because they're almost always found circling around the back end of a horse."

"Oh," Hillary replies as she goes back to rambling. But, a moment later she stops and bluntly asks, "Are you calling me a horse's ass?"

"No, ma'am," the cowboy replies, "I have too much respect for citizens of New York to call their Senator a horse's ass."

"That's a good thing," she responds and begins rambling on once more.

After a long pause, the cowboy, in his best Texas drawl says, . . . "Hard to fool them flies though

Nothing like the loving from your pup........

Just click on the titla of this update and enjoy the love........:)

Monday, February 25, 2008

A simple test for your simple mind......

This is just a simple test...just follow the instruction as soon as you click on the title, that is not the picture but where it says, "A simple test for your simple mind"...ROTFL.....remember it's for most of you.....good luck......:)

Woodies CCI Club and another tough day.....

Before the last Trade-a-Long in Las Vegas back in November there were 16 members in the Hall of Flame at the Woodies CCI Club. Then I mentioned here in this blog that things might changing over there in the land of Wood. Gunter has moved from number 5on the list of Flame to number 3 over the past couple of weeks, but one now could see Gunter move up into the number 2 slot, as soon as the brown shirts see a post in their Woodies CCI Trading University Forum Index under Clints Collection. Seems that after over 2 years of helping, doing whatever was needed, moderating, going to those famous Trade-a-Long at his expense and just plain working his butt off...he has thrown in the towel on the Woodies CCI Club, just click on the picture to read this comments.

Khoon has posted:
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:42 pm Post subject:
thanks for the update, do take care in your future ventures

TrinTick also posted:
Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:35 pm Post subject: Clint.....that is pretty discouraging news.....
I am really discouraged now. I thought you were doing well? Woodie has been doing this for years and he says it works. I have been trying to follow the rules of the game to make this work. What have been the problems you are dealing with. Is it just following the rules?

Of course ED, just says, MAN get a grip and just trade the damn pattern......but I have to wonder....who is next?????

Senator Clinton in Texas

BIG ‘D’, TEXAS --- A photograph of Sen. Hillary Clinton with half a bra over her mouth has led Clinton’s campaign manager Maggie Williams to charge, “It’s over the top what the Obama camp will resort to.”

“The photo we showed of Senator Obama in local garb, was meant to show his message of HOPE and ‘Yes We Can’ and nothing more,” adding, “what’s even more outrageous is that Senator Clinton shops at Fredericks of Hollywood, and wouldn’t be caught dead with something that looks like it came from The Elle Grande Boutique, in Chappaqua.

When former president Bill Clinton was asked for comment, he merely shrugged, and said almost relieved, “My hands are tied.”

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then how can you expect others too. Inside us all is a Lion just waiting to come out, so ROARrrr.

He must be dreaming about all those kids he has helped......

After 9 long hours of flying over the pond with his lovely wife, first class, of course.....and working hard at the Ft. Lauderdale Trade-a-Long/Workshop/Confernce back then between June 11 and the 13th and then having to do all the stuff at the Trader's Expo for his partner, it was time to reflect.

132 times 295.00 and then subtract the cost of the conference room.....oh yea, subtract the internet upcharge.....dang it, we had to have water and crackers for all of them, that was let's see....and those sour things they put on the table, I stopped them from putting down those little note pads and pencils that cost an arm and a leg...thank goodness for that. The tables and chairs, stage, speakers, mic, overhead screen, man am I glad I brought along a projector, they wanted like 300 bucks to rent that damn thing. Ok, the rooms, wine, those meals in the room, wine....,rental car, skycap tip, bellcap tip and don't forget the tip room service, oh yea.....that sweet maid, she deserved a tip.......and wine.....

So let's see, that is about 39,000 give or that and the cost of everything is about 32,000 so that leaves me with..............................carry the 3.....

Just enough to spend the next two weeks here in the states.......screw those whining little snot nose brats anyways.....I need a vacation.

Don't believe it, then line up....FREE KOOLAIDE for EVERYONE. Just check it out, and show me any donation to MAW from the Call and talk to Robin at MAW in (602) 279-WISH (9474)

Or write a nice note and ask them have you EVER gotten a donation from these guys...and the key word is ......FROM.....

Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America
3550 North Central Avenue, Suite 300
Phoenix, Arizona 85012-2127

Now for those who read this blog on a regular basis, it's time, it's time for these guys to fess up......but it's also time for "YOU" to stand up and ask the emperior, himself....SHOW ME PROOF after 5 years. IT's time for you to ask Make-a-Wish yourself. And it's time for you to stand for what is right........IT'S TIME!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tough Ticket

The toughest ticket this weekend to get will be the ones in Memphis, as the Vols go to tame those Tigers....some people will do anything to get in it seems.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What happen in Vegas.....didn't stay there

I'm not sure what happen in Las Vegas at the Rivera Casino, but things just ain't the same now at the I mean before the Trade-a-Long....there was 16 members of the Hall of Fame. Now one would think that if you earned your way to the Hall of Fame, it's forever.

They didn't know out Reggie Jackson when his candy bars stopped selling did they? They didn't throw out Pete Rose after they found out he was betting on ......oh, that is another story. Hold it, they didn't leave Pete did they? Guess that is why Dax never made it in to the Hall of Fame.

But it looks like Gunter who was number 5 before the workshop, you know it was a workshop...RIGHT. In plain English that come and they "work" you over to "shop" for more toys. He is now number 3.....great job Gunter.....

So now there are just 13 people in the Hall of Flame, is this whole thing starting to go up in smoke and who will be next????? Oh yea, welcome aboard Sylvia, personally can't wait to hear ya tell us just how much money you are making trading with those 80% winners.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Smart Board and a leap for the next generation.....

I'm not sure if you know yet what a Smart Board is, butI'll try and explain it to some degree. We all grew up with a blackboard and erasers so we could drag our fingernails across to drive that special someone nuts in class and we all, at one time or another slapped those erasers together to make a cloud of dust drift over our best friend....remember those day....WELL THEY ARE HISTORY NOW. Just like the 8 track tapes, cell phones in a bag and beehive hair dos.

A Smart Board is still a black board, but it's also an overhead projector with those clear plastic cells that would fall on the floor, it's a 16mm movie projector that would always break at the right moment, it's a DVD player and it's the internet, it's everything that once was all bunched up into a flat screen.

You can write on it and project power points, show movies from a DVD and go out into hyperspace and check out the outside world. The best part is, that student finds this latest toy something they actually want to use. It's setup kinda like a video game in some respect. So when those little people have to do math, it's a game, that they learn without knowing......sounds funny doesn't it?

The number of problems in the classroom with Smart Boards is near zero because if the kids act up they can't use the Smart Board for a period of time. Smart Boards has also shown to improve the attitude of the student and raise their grade level by one letter. So it's a win, win for everyone.......but I think running your nails across the board and slapping erasers is a part of school that will soon be a distance memory.

We decided to donate a couple of these Smart Boards to the local school and the chemisty teacher worked out a deal with the company and as they say the rest is "history"......with out clauk of course.....:(

A comment about the

This was posted back over two years ago, some things change and some things stay the same.......
"Moderators, as well, come and go. You seem like a nice person, misguided, but nice. Do yourself a favor... ask woodie the following questions:

Why doesn't he trade live at one of the TAL's? I will bet u he will respond that it is against the law. Ask him what law? He will say that the lawyers have told him not to. What lawyers? Ask him why he can't lock the door to the room where the TAL is held and allow no one to access their account by way of phone or internet (hence no way he could be accused of giving trading advice). Why doesn't he prove he can trade with no possibilty of retribution of violating any SEC laws by doing this in private with TAL attendees? Every attendee can sign a statement they are watching a trading demonstration - this will eliminate the problems woodie says will happen with the SEC. Will he do this? No way. But go ahead and ask. I guarantee if I posted this in woodie's room it would be erased in seconds.

After that conversation with woodie, ask him about the moderators who are no longer around. They were valued memebers of the "team." Where are they now? If they were good enough to teach wcci, why do we not hear about them anymore? Where n any of wodie's articles does he mention any of them by name? Where are they given the recognition that they are the ones who make woodie's room work? An occasional thank you from woodie is not enough. Woodie is travelling the world on the backs of what the moderators do for him, and paying for suites with money that ought to be going to MAW. WTF is that all about? Woodie may be a nice guy in his own mind and in yours too but why must he say this all for free when he won't admit what the deal is?

Ask about TAL funds. Ask why the expenses can't be posted. Ask who would be embarassed by the accounting.

Ask me why it's any of my business. Because woodie makes it all of our business. He asks us to come to the TALs for our sake and for the sake of the kids. Now i'm not concerned about my trading - i am concerned about the kids. Woodie told us we were helping the kids. I want to know to what extent. Every charitable organization has to account for it's spending. Where is the accounting? Woodie will say he's not a charitable organization. Ask why he has to hide behind the one organization that will pull at he heartstrings of us all?

Ask why, ask why, and keep asking why. Then ask why some more. Ask why in the main room and see how fast you will disappear. I'll ask you why it would be so terrible of you to ask these things in the main room. This is not private information. This is information all of us who have listened to woodie and paid money to him should be entitled to.

Ask woodie why Tony has to fly in from England. He doesn't moderate anymore, he doesn't contribute anymore. Check out who owns the "woodie" website. Maybe that will give you a clue. Just make sure someone doesn't trip over the plug. Keep him happy at whatever cost. And at any cost do whatever it takes to make sure woodie looks good."
Then ask why.
Friday, August 05, 2005 12:32:00 AM

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Broken Government..........

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington, and they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow.

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse? You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.

And Last but not least.....

George Carlin said it best about Martha Stewart ..
"Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she's behind bars. O.J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant are still walking around; Osama Bin Laden too, but they take the one woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard, and haul her ass off to jail."

Saturday, February 16, 2008

This little blog gets a lot of hits...wonder why???

Seems there are alot of folks out there that just have to keep coming back and reading the latest update....soon any updates will just pop into your email how cool is that????

A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over mouth and nose, still heavily sedated from a difficult, four hour, surgical procedure. A young nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath.

'Nurse,'.... he mumbles, from behind the mask, 'are my testicles black? Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, 'I don't know, sir, I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet.' He struggles to ask again............ 'Nurse, are my testicles black?'

Concerned that he might elevate his vitals from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and sheepishly pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and carefully takes his testicles in the other, lifting and moving them around. Then she takes a close look, and gently replaces his gown and bedding. 'There's nothing wrong with them, sir.'
With difficulty, the man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says slowly, ’Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but, listen very, very closely.


It doesn't take a lot to see thru does it??

You know it doesn't take a lot to see thru things, you know things just don't add up, and everywhere you look, eSignal, SFO magazine, PFG, interviews either in print or videos, conferences, trade-a-longs or even, in the case, with Again and again you see and read the same lines...."his work done with Make-a-Wish and Peregrine Charities. So far Woodie "HAS" collected over $80,000.00 in charity funds".
Now, I do find the interesting part that he has now been trading over the past "29" years, but in 2004 it was only 17 years, WOW how time flies...

Read the last couple of lines, it's not like I make this stuff up, it's right there on website. I just have one question, where is the $80,000.00 that was collected......he would be in the Chris Greicius Society of Joy at Make-a-Wish Foundation and on his way to the Society of Strength. But it doesn't take much for most of us to see right thru does it????

Darned clever, these Canadians?

Darned clever, these Canadians?
Perhaps America and Europe should consider changing their currencies too. Due to the global war on terrorism, many terrorist organizations have had their finances frozen. Consequently, they have resorted to counterfeiting. The Canadians have decided to redesign their currency to prevent the radical Muslims from even touching it! It is also hoped that this will have a positive effect on tourism

Muslim terrorists have to kill themselves if they see a naked woman, those Canadians always find the solution! Must be the pure water up there in the North (the water in the rye whiskey eh!)

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Soup Opera at the Woodies CCI Club

The past several weeks have been interesting for me, it seems that after the last Trade-a-Long in Las Vegas at the Rivera...things over in the have
not been the same. I personally would have loved to have been a fly on the wall, at least, during those dinners or side meeting....whatever. I guess because I have had some issues with the, a number of people have found this blog and emailed me about all kinds of things that goes on over there. The folks that used to defend their actions have stopped after the spying incident in my password protected chat room on hotcomm and now the emails are more about....what do you know, have you heard this and that and so on.

My only issue with the and Ken Wood is very very simple, so follow along.......back in 2003 during those paltalk days, I personally found the club to be an interesting group of folks, spending the day networking in what one could easy call a lonely business. Then came along a move over to, which we could now see charts and all kinds of goodies.....the group continued to grow on a weekly basis.

So here was this guy, an older fellow and he seems to be working overtime to help everyone, when he asked for help with this and that it wasn't soon until someone would step forward (for a number of reason I am sure) and volunteered to help out. I remember the first conference in Orlando, 150 people showed up from all over country and I am sure a couple from overseas, the energy level was truly a sight to see. We laughed, talked, busted on each other and of course listened with open ears as Hoot talked about the Square of 9. Woodies spoke and after it was all over, there was a few bucks left over. Susan and FishandKill decided to give the money to MAW because of his granddaughter (I believe) which was the plan at the time

Get together, meet and greet, share ideas and after expenses give the left over money to MAW for the kids......WHAT A GREAT IDEA. It wasn't long before there was talk of having another one, this time in Las Vegas just before Christmas of 2003. I was now involved in the club because I believed that it was just what it was. This fellow bringing people together in a lonely business and sharing ideas and helping kids. Traders helping Traders, what could be better then this, so I volunteered to help moderate and even helped Susan figure out how to get the conference in Las Vegas off the ground. I was so excited when Woodie asked me to speak, but what could I speak on, after all it was Woodie and his indicator so I spoke on being a vessel, how things flow thru one person into another for the good of all. I even flew the private jet down to Scotsdale and picked him up, I also had Jennifer Rossi and a lady (can't think of her name right now) come to Las Vegas and speak about MAW, Susan found that one of the fellow serving the food/drink table had a wish granted for his daughter.

The event to me was just amazing.

While in Las Vegas, I attended a meeting in Dr. Famir hotel room with the core of the club, now Woodie didn't speak but other did about how the club should move the time, I guess I had either stars in my eyes or smoke in my ears because it just never registered. When Woodie decided instead of having these big conferences that he would travel around the country and have smaller events called Trade-a-Longs. This way, he could help people one on one, so to of course, I was right Chicago at the very first TAL. It was about the same dog and pony show that was presented in Las Vegas back in December of 2003 but that was OK. I got to go out to dinner and talk to guys that I got to know in the chat room and spend most of the time talking to my broker that had paid for the entire event, trying to promote the next market guru.

I guess it wasn't until Hoot came to the back of the room and handed Woodie this stack of money wrapped in rubber bands, after everyone gave him cash at the door, because again, there wasn't any bank account, this wasn't a business, no credit card machines, etc., just this fellow helping (Traders helping Traders) but when Woodie took the cash he said, "This is going to work out better then I thought". I have to tell you my heart dropped on the floor. Why would he say that???? So I waited, fearing the worst, but praying for the best. I waited and waited, now if it was me, I would have gotten a certified check or money orders from the 7-11 whatever and met with Jennifer Rossi and gave her the donation, took a picture and then would have posted it on the WoodiesCCIClub website....HEY LOOK, see what we are doing just take a look, it all because of you folks that we can help some kid out there.

In fact, I did a couple workshops, If you remember and had promised to give my cut from the workshop to MAW, that is how committed I was and I am sure that is how many many more people have felt over the years. After the workshop I flew out to Scotsdale and we had lunch at Woodies Country Club, the famous apple dumpling dessert luncheon...and of course, Jennifer Rossi was there and yes, we did indeed take a picture of me giving the blown up check to Jennifer with Woodie proudly standing right there...WHAT A GREAT MOMENT. But that was before the first TAL that Woodie had, it was before the cash at the door moment. So I waited, waited and waited for this proud moment when Woodie would say, "Listen, I just had lunch with Jennifer yesterday and gave her a check for $XX,XXX.00 and take a look at this picture, you folks are the best". Did that ever happen,.....NO!!!

So then came Denver in Sept of 2004, and by then it was about over, because I had gone to Monterey Bay, CA around the 13th-14th of June for the next TAL and saw the same dog and pony show. New faces helping out, Gio and her husband were doing their very best to help people, Barbara and Susan were trying there best and on and on. Woodie was suppose to speak at the Denver workshop, but that deal never happened, but what did happen is again a donation after the workshop for my cut and a check to MAW...posted for all to see. That is what people expected, the amount wasn't in was the fulling of an idea.

Since 2004, I have been watching this soup opera/dog and pony show continue to have people step forward to help, for the common goal of Traders helping Traders. And I have seen the list of people banned for whatever reason or just drop out...or maybe even worse blow out continue, do I realy care.......not at all. I don't care if this is only about making money, being a market guru and on and on. The best part about America is someone starting a business and making it grow into something bigger then life. What I do care about is the fact, that since 2004 that Woodie has raised the Make-a-Wish flag, waved it high and wide, stating that he is helping the kids, raising money so their dreams can come true.

But has there EVER been any record of him giving the money left over from these conferences, workshops or Trade-a-Longs. Now he has teamed up with PFG, dumped eSignal, Sierra, IB and whoever so they would promote him, and that is just good are made everyday, do I care......not a all. As part of the deal with PFG, he turned over the workshops for them to handle, Peregrine Charities and that is great, I really don't think the Wasendorf family, would in any way, do anything off color just to promote some market guru. They would have every little to gain, in the big picture, and alot to lose if things went south.

Since then, people has lost track of the idea, where did all that money go before PFG came into the picture and took over handling the Workshops, we know that TonyUK flies over (first class) with his wife to hook up the internet, we know that during dinners, like in Las Vegas, $195.00 bottles of wine were served as they laughed and joked the night away, well that is now.....but what about back then. What about back when this was all just this fellow helping out fellow traders, and giving it all to MAW......what is the only problem I have and continue to have with the If you are doing it to make money for whatever reason....go for it. But if you are using the backs of sick and dying kids to promote yourself, that I have a problem with.

Alot of people have the same problem it seems, more then ever, I am truly amazed not only at the number of emails but the attitude in the emails and I'm not so sure that I would like to be around when this finally hits the fan. I have long ago left the WoodiesCCIClub once I saw that things were not just the way it was being advertised. Since the last Las Vegas workshop, it appears that things are heating up. If, some how, some way, there was an accounting as to were all the money went, and we have to be talking about a couple hundred thousand dollars, before PFG got involved and it was shown that...indeed money was given to MAW "BY THE WOODIESCCICLUB" or Ken Wood himself, from all these Trade-a-Longs then I would be the first to say, "That is so cool, why did it take so long and I am sorry".

As far as the deals with all the vendors, click thru or whatever to make money, I could really's about those kids.....and his PROMISE. If after all, you make that covenant and don't even try to live up to it or you become part of that covenant in believing that it's about helping traders and helping kids and then you find out it's not....what do you do. If you can't show or find the donations from the Trade-a-Longs before Peregrine Charities, then you have to think about what kind of self worth you have....what kind of people do you want to be known can you continue to be part of the muddy water, that is why I think so many people are now leaving and are not leaving in a good mood, they have looked in the mirror once to often

Nothing may never come out of uproar currently going on, he might never have to answer for the missing donations from the Trade-a-Longs to Make-a-Wish, but if he has far away do you want to be? Do you really want to be standing next to him, when "THEY" start to ask questions? I'm sure Barbara won't.....or Alan......but it's really just what about you.....what about the company you work for, if your bosses find out that they could be involved, how would they be towards you. If your company has direct ties, how far would they go asking you questions. But worst I guess what if....just what if...Nancy Grace or 60 Minutes showed up are your door....asking questions.....for me it just about those kids and where did the money go from those Trade-a-Longs, the rest of it is just noise.......

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Woodies CCI Club and spying .......again???????

SOOOoooooooo, I had this deep feeling that just maybe something was a know, maybe someone was looking over my shoulder, peeking in the windows, looking in my mailbox or picking up my garbage at the curb. So I had a computer security expert fly in and take a look see under the hood........

A couple of blog updates ago I mentioned that there were some of the moderators/friends would soon be leaving the for a number of reasons, so I like to check the website out from time to time to see the latest and greatest things. Seems the Hall of Flame is now down to 15, it was at 16.....and like a selloff, the slide is starting.......

Just as soon as I logged in...the new toys that were loaded up to protect from those peeking Tom's blocked the website. Now how funny is that....seems the website might have something in it to look around your computer. Been there and had that done to me while we were in So will have to go to Motel 6 with an old laptop and log in from now on.......

So keep this in mind.......they are out there STILL!!!!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

WE FOUND A DONATION.....we found a donation.....

Well after 4 yeras of searching we have found a donation to Make-a-Wish, all you need to do is click on the picture so you to came see it for yourself. Wow, in 2007 a donation was made to a local chapter of Make-a-Wish in of all places....UTAH. How could we have missed that one......UTAH......WOW!!!!

The donation was in the amount somewhere between a thousand dollars and thirty-five hundred but's a donation none the less. We are dancin on the desk top around here....FINALLY.......we found a donation in the name of the CCI Club.


CCI Club??????, It says CCI UTAH....well that must be a mistake then, let me google "CCI Mechanical Utah". Oh never mind, dang it, there we thought we had found a donation turns out there is a company in UTAH guessed it:

Well we will keep searching to see if there is anything out there....anything at all.

Make a Wish national data base and eSignal

Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Woodies CCI Club and what am I missing.........just the money...":

"Woodie claims that Make a Wish does not have a national data base so thats why WCCI not showing. I guess Woodie reads this blog all the time because every time something is said here about him he talks about it in the chat room. Someone in the room asked about the dvd's if they could write it off as a donation. Woodie said no write off as a business expense."

This comment that was posted makes sense, after all you are buying a product from a LLC. Only the LLC is promising to give money to the charity and it would be a business expense. The funny part is, there is this blog that shows some of the noise or problems out there with the Woodies CCI Club and then there is the chat room that we are in each and every day talking about trading, setups, and related things, busting on each other and enjoying the day without fear of saying the wrong thing and getting kicked out and banned. Most of those who came to the workshop in October are still in there during the week as their schedule allows and we have seen some new blood come in.....nice to have a newbie once in a while just to keep it fresh. But some of the things that are said in the chat room at the expense of the Holder of the Wooden Shaft are not talked about in this blog, so the only way the Woodie would be talking about a national data base is if one of his brown shirts was in the chat room everyday.

Now I did a blog update on just this a while back, remember the Judias post on December 2nd, 2007 where I talked about one of the vistors in the chat room? The only way for Woodie to be worried about this national data base thing is because Judias is sending a report back to Land of Wood. That's OK, Woodie did exactly the same thing back in 2004 while his brown shirt morans were busy spying in all the hotcomm private password protected chat rooms. We would talk about the cash at the door for the Chicago 2004 Trade-a-Long and Woodie would be answering the question within 10 minutes in his main chat room. We talked about the donation that was never made for that Trade-a-Long and Woodie would come back, again within 10 minutes and talk about how much money was raised.....$80,000.00 has been given to Make-a-Wish. Not given, but raised being the key idea here......

So for Woodie to be defending the party line about a national data base would only be normal if he does continue to do what he has done for the last "X" number of years, in his own words, "JUST TRADE THE DAMN PATTERN".....ROTFL.
I do remember back when he had this deal with eSignal, you know, sign up from "MY" website so you could get the partnership discount. The same discount as everyone else was offering at the time, but that is another story, and eSignal will make a donation guessed it.....Make-a-Wish.

Either there wasn't a whole lot of signer uppers, the amount of the credit to the Woodies Make a Wish account wasn't but a pocket change OR worse. I mean, there doesn't seem to be any record of a eSignal donation on the Annual Reports from Make-a-Wish either.....not in 2003.....not in 2004.....not in 2005....not in 2006....and not in 2007.........just type in "annual report make a wish" in google and check it out yourself. Make sure you also include the year you would like to "annual report make a wish 2004".

Survival School and a coded message for all of us

The picture shows that this soldier has been thru Survival School and learned his lessons well. He's giving the sign of "coercion" with his left hand. These hand signs are taught in survival school to be used by POW's as a method of posing messages back to our intelligence services who may view the photo or video. This guy was obviously being coerced into s haking hands with Hillary Clinton. It's ironic how little she knew that he would so inform us about the photo---perhaps because she's never understood our military to begin with.

If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000.

The rate in Washington D.C. Is 80.6 per 100,000.

That means th at you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq........
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday and guess where the Hill is????

YEP, and it ain't New England that is for sure......

Monday, February 04, 2008


NASHVILLE, TN - In a stump speech to The Amputees of America, Senator Hillary Clinton approached the podium trailing a length of toilet paper from the leg of her Wal-Mart designer pant suit.

It wasn't until several minutes into her speech that she noticed the two ply off the side of her left shoe. In what could be a pivotal point in her campaign she neither acted embarrassed nor surprised, but continued with a shrill scream… “And if you send me to Washington, as your President, I promise you I will clean up the mess left behind by George W. Bush.”

The spontaneous uproar from the crowd was so loud, it was hard to tell whether they were chanting, “You're number one!” or “Was it number one?”

People leaving the hall were still abuzz as to whether it was Charmin Ultra Strong 2-ply diamond weave or Charmin Basic 1-ply. Either way, they all agreed they were witness ‘to an inside the beltway moment’.

An angered red faced Bill Clinton, said, “It is clear to me that this is a ‘vast wipe ring conspiracy’ against Hillary.”