Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It's Christmas card time in TENNESSEEEeeeeeee


So one day this puppy showed up at our front door, and he stayed. This year when we did our family Christmas pictures, of course, we included Boomer. You can see that Thrumper on the right is looking at his kids with those can't you listen here for one minute.

Thrumper even is asking Val to help out here as Boomer starts to just smell and look around......

Thrumper by now is just praying that somehow this gets over before Mommy get mad again.......even Scooter is feeling the pressure now.

OK, let's try putting Thrumper in the middle and away from Scooter...maybe that will look just how focused Boomer is. Oh yea Steve, I have my UT jacket on....hope you have one of those......ROTFL...

I'm tell you two to get back there and sit down and I mean it......Scooter of course is the perfect one......and Thrumper is whispering to Boomer, "see now you did it."

Ok, you guys...let's try this over on the steps OK.......Thumper is talking about something, but Scooter is just thinking.....what a look

Let at least the pup is focused for a change, and no they are not singing either....see the bacon bit flying in the air......want to guess who got it????

That's right the pup but BACON BITS......someone say...BACON BITS.......I'm focused Mom......

So here we are the last shot on the roll........and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL GOOD kids let's sing to everyone.......1....2......3....BOOMER, stop that.....Scooter....sit down......Thrumper quit praying..........PEACE


RG2JH said...

The "last shot on the roll"??? Hey Dennis, digital camera. Rolls are sooooo last millennium /g/

Anonymous said...

Dennis, please keep the photos of the "pups" coming! Really makes my day.