Thursday, October 06, 2005

Trade Station was a bust....BUT the rest of it was great.

So we went to Vegas for the Trade Station World Conference and three days of eatin, shows, shopping and the slots. We used to own a 60's burger, shake and fries joint and are always singing those songs.....The kids know them all by heart from being around me. I had decided to take them to see Bobby Vinton while we were in Vegas this time...LIVE.
What a great evening we had as the Wynn was able to get us back stage passes. His backup singers are his 3 daughters and a daughter in law, along with his son, Chris who is the band director.
His mom even came out and did two songs and danced a little and being 79 that was a special treat.
I guess the best part of the entire show was during the 4th song when his oldest daughter sang ROCKY TOP....and clogged. Roses are Red, Blue Velvet, Lonely and for over 90 minutes the songs just kept coming......

One of our favorite groups from that time period was the Coasters, and they were in town also, so off to the Sahara we went. We had known Cornell Gunter of the Coasters even before they came to our burger, shake and fry joint were they always drew good crowds. It was a gas, because we had front row center tickets and when Early came out and started to sing, he looked down, saw us sitting there and gave us a big kiss with a smile ear to the show went on, he actually came down and sang POISIN IVY to my youngest daughter. After the show, we met up with them, they changed and we all went out for a late night snack.

Not going to post all the pictures but Dolly was at the House of Blues on Saturday and we also went to see KA at the MGM. I guess that is why a 3 day trip turned into 5 days.....we had to come back home because we just couldn't sit down for another meal out there.....I would get up early and look at my charts, take the first bar trade...and when it was over the girls asked me how I did...WE ARE STAYING ANOTHER DAY with a high five, they would reply...MORE SHOPPPING ..... .... enjoying life and spending time with my kids.....hope you all had great trading days and spend time with YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS while you can...PEACE


Anonymous said...

Hey Dennis,
Looks like you had a great trip. Its funny, thats all I want to be able to do for my 4 girls. Getting closer by the day. Thats what trading means to me. A means to an end.
Art P

Anonymous said...

Hey Sport,
Are your daughters married???

Anonymous said...

I note on your sidebar that Martha Stewart was born in 1922....older than I thought..