Saturday, October 22, 2005

I received this letter one day, it was from the Make-a-Wish foundation.

Inside the envelope was an invitation to join the 25th Anniversary Conference. But the first line of the invitation was most interesting to me. "The Make-A-Wish Foundations honoring its most generous individual donors", it stated.
Now am I missing something....are there some facts that I never saw...there must be a reason, a simple explanation as to why the Duke of Wood never mentioned this invitation. I mean he likes to state all the time, that because of him.....MAW has received over $106,000.00 and I have to think that if I gave only $34,000.00 (and in his name) to MAW and I got one of these invitation, then I must have missed something..........oh yea.....accountablity....I guess. NO ONE that I know of has ever seem one penny given from all those TAL over the past two years. Now, we know that the first one, people paid cash at the door so we understand why that one is not on the books.....don't WE......
But why haven't we send any canceled checks, donation receipt letters, being on the anual donor list, heck I mean anything....why why....accountablity i guess.....just Traders helping Traders isn't it.


Anonymous said...

When money is given "in someone's name"....the person it is donated for is not considered the donor and is not on the list of donors.

Does this clear it up for you bunky?

Anonymous said...

When you have 8 or 9 TAL's and the left over money is to go to a charity and nothing is given, that also clears it up bunky?

Anonymous said...


I'll post this simply because I think the record needs to be made perfectly clear on this point.

I can't speak to people's suspicions regarding any TAL funds with the exception of the first meeting, in Orlando a couple of years ago.

And I can speak to this because I'm the person who collected the $50 cash fee both the night before and the day of the TAL (actally it wasn't even called a TAL at that time).

My name is Fred Speir and I live in Celebration, FL. I was in Woodie's room under the moniker fill_or_kill. I haven't been there for about a year.

We collected approximately $3,800 in total. We paid for the meeting room, internet access, AV equipment, light refreshments, reimbursed Susan Drummond and me for our out of pocket expenses. And we had around $800 left over.

After I kicked in a modest additional donation from my wife & I, I personally went to a local Sun Bank and purchased a cashier's check and mailed it to MAW, in the name of Woodie's CCI Club. Received a nice thank you from them and forwarded that to Woodie.

I also happen to be the person who suggested MAW in the first place - so I guess all the subsequent rancor is partly my fault.

Woodie's hotel room was comped by the hotel (a common practice) because other attendees occupied a sufficient number of rooms. He paid his own plane fare and incidental expenses and received no money - just a gift of the Bull & Bear statue, if you recall.

As mentioned - I can't address accountability or transparency issues for any subsequent TAL, but I can damn well address the first one.

Finally - I would mention that if you think about this - you can see how cheaply a meeting actually can be put together.

Thank you for the platform to set the record straight.

Anonymous said...


No matter how many times you tell Dennis that Woodie is not scamming people and give him the facts....he is still not going to beleive you.

I don't honestly know what is wrong with the boy. I think he watches too much TV and see conspiracies everywhere.

I also know Woodie is not scamming anyone from personal experience.

Anonymous said...

leon, I think you got you got it backwards. From the little guy's perspective of what the W and TAL experience turned into:

"traders helping traitors" get their freebies and give them too much control over too much money.

Anonymous said...

To: voiceofreason

My post was neither a defense of Woodie nor an attack on him.

It was simply a recitation of the facts as they occured at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando in March of 2003.

I never attended another TAL, but some things that came to my attention later did in fact trouble me.


Anonymous said...


I think everything went south after the Vegas 2003 Conference. That was that last one that had the best of intentions for everyone involved. Then, it just became W's..."how can I milk this thing for all it's worth".

Anonymous said...

Actually, I know of others that gave their time and paid their own expenses back at the first World CCI Confernce in Orlando and yes the funds were sent to MAW. After the first one, things changed it just took a while for most to figure it out I am very sorry to say.

Anonymous said...

I just wish my one dream would be granted. It would only take a couple of hundred dollars. Thanks TonyUK for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Woodie tried to get MAW to fly him, Tony and Tony's wife to that generous contributors conference, but MAW had no idea who Woodie was. Have a good time there, Sport.

Anonymous said...

I have no knowledge of any MAW donations .

It seems that some annonymouse has stolen my nick and posted as rmk.

surprise .. surprise ...


Anonymous said...

Woodie has always claimed that he knows the executive director of MAW, and he is apparently his neighbour, and that is how Woodie claims he knows of MAW.
It is ironic if MAW, never heard of Woodie.
Also Woodie's claim of donation to MAW, are not sent by Woodie, but by the members of the chat room of Woodie, from their postings. So here again, Woodie takes credit for the works of others.
I have seen W in action in the chat room, wanting software and proprietary indicators for free, so why would he donate even 1 dollar to MAW ! He is just a cheap skate, nothing more, nothing else.
Think about that !

Anonymous said...

Well, I have to think that voiceofreason doesn't understand charities.....
The first purpose of any charity is not helping others but raising funds. The reason is, the better they can raise funds the more work they can do according "their" misson.
So, anyone that would be in charge of raising those funds would be more then aware of where and from who these donations come in from.

That would lead one to believe that with Woodie pretending be close friends with the main dude at MAW, well the dude would come into the room and speak about things at MAW....but has that happened, I think not.

That would lead one to then believe that Woodie has been a fraud all along and has never given a dime to the kids, not even a dime.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

IT doesn't matter if you don't understand Woodie. We DO!!!