Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Custom work means ...slow going.......

First, we had to go out in the field and find the red cedar trees, then we had to load them on a rollback and haul them home. Power wash the root system, and cut the bottom of the tree square with 10 inches for support. Then we used a crane to drop the 10 trees into place, but that was just the beginning.

We tried several tools to see how we could peel off the bark from the tree without marking the wood. It came down to a screwdriver with a dull point. SO, we began the long process of peeling trees.

After 4 days, I was thinking....let's see 12 bucks and hour and there are how many working on this........ROTFL.

When these guys showed up with their grinders, and wire brushes I just had to leave for a while.....they even took chain saws and trimmed each branch. They worked the trees over big time.

Grinding ....grinding....grinding.....then the wire brush......

The more they worked.....the better it looked. These folks get 24 an hour......and it just seems to take forever.......and you wonder why I trade the way I do....


Anonymous said...

It's starting to look like the Amazon rain forest inside. Wondering how this will look like once completed.

Anonymous said...


Chris said...

nice pictures Dennis! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

That house is going to be as cool as the Swiss Family Treehouse at Disneyland, and that's as cool as homes get.

Anonymous said...

WOW ! That's really a dream home ... i bet we'll find stories about it in some home magazines next year :)))

Thanks for sharing all this