Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Why did she post was our secret....dang it

Today, BobCathy left the "Mittens", I mean cat out of the bag in a post that everyone seemed to pick up is the post:

Anonymous said...
09:47:40 {Eman_CA} is this the yiddish room?
09:47:42 {TraderDoug} oy vey.
09:47:43 {Cees-nl} wrong room, eman.
09:47:50 {JoAnne} This is the main room -- not the "yiddish" room. Woodie will create that one next week, along with the "halfway ajar, but not quite open" room.
09:47:56 {RicardoN_OR} Can we speak yiddish in the "halfway ajar, but not quite open" room?
09:47:59 {JoAnne} No, WoodiesCCI stuff only
09:48:02 {TraderDoug} you tell 'em joanne.
09:48:19 {eminifuts} can we all get along????
09:48:29 {cathy_FL} The plane should be picking me up soon. I'm outta here! Shalom!
09:48:42 {TraderDoug} that's yiddish, isn't it?
09:48:59 {JoAnne} Oy gevalt!

5:08 PM

I just can't figure out why she left it out, I mean now everyone will want in on this...and I wanted it all for myself...every cent. And this post came from that room....playing a little rough in there these days.....aren't they?

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