Saturday, June 25, 2005

TO bust or not to bust ...that is the question....

So I did a post called....
SP might be a little range bound unless some news cand drive it somewhere..ALL Board
and it got one comment....

The I did a post called....
MIA....and why?
and it got 60 comments....and new room record, great busting everyone.

GO Figure....


Anonymous said...

I have nothing to say...I just wanted to make sure you got a comment registered.

Globetrader said...

Sport,it's very simple decision you have to make. Do you want to teach trading in this blog or do you have something to say, which you think should be exposed in broad light.
I think your teaching is done a lot better in your chatroom. I'm no regular visitor, not because I don't respect your teaching or can't see what you trade. Just because I have found a different way for me to skin the same cat. You are a great trader and your trading is best followed in your chatroom in realtime. That's the only way to learn trading from someone. Use your own charts and try to see, what your mentor is seeing on his charts. Make his system your own.

So reserve the Blog for the basics of your trading (and these seem to have been covered already, if I read the archives correctly) and continue telling us, what you think should be discussed under the harsh light of a hot arizona summer sun with no shadow for miles around to hide anything.

Oh yeah, and maybe you should disable the anon feature. If you don't hide, why let others hide themself. I don't care if someone calls himself pumkin, mastertrader or MrBond. But let us follow the trails of these anon posts, so we can distinguish between them.

Dennis Bolze said...

Good idea.....but what about my room count record? It would surely drop and I won't be able to say.......GREAT BUSTING EVERYONE.


Globetrader said...

What record? ROFL, 1 vs 60 comments
Your readers have already decided what they want:-)

Do it like the Roman Emperors did...Panem et Circenses

Give the people, what the people ask for. And I'm sure, they don't ask for bread, they want the bloody Roman Circus Maximus