Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Paul and Pete are still hopeful you will call.....

BobCathy1, I see you are now promoting a free trail with PFG....and also in charge of the moderator list....in the room, Talk about getting in over your head sweetheart.

I just wish you would call me and take me up on my offer so we both can make more money.....why haven't you call Honey.....WHY???????

Paul, who is Peter Sellers grandson and Pete, who was featured in Flyboy monthly are still hoping out hopes for a flight to hills of Tennessee......

Ok, I'll make a deal with anyone who wants to come to the FibonacciTrader.com workshop in July. I will be given a presentation on the internals, and time frames along with Perry, MarkB and Yuri. On Monday I will be trading live...and that means real money, real trades and not just walking around the room....Saying, "Great trading everyone, is this helping ya"

On Saturday night, I will fly three people to Sarasota on a private jet for dinner at Yoder's. Everyone that wants a chance to go, only has to put their name in the hat and an attendee with pick the name. One attendee will pick out one name and then another attendee will pick out a name until all three seats are taken. WE will then ride in a limo to the executive terminal and fly to Sarasota eat dinner and fly back.........

BobCathy, let me know if you need anything Sugar.......


Anonymous said...

the big cheese said...

...so who's saying "Oh Fudge" now, Woodie?
You should have just ignored me...
the big cheese

Cheese hits this nail on the head. Woodie's out of control ego ruled... unfortunately for him. Never too old to learn a lesson.

Anonymous said...

Bet Bernice would like to meet Pete.

Anonymous said...

Is that really Peter Sellers grandson?

Anonymous said...

Can't you see he has Peter Seller's nose?

Anonymous said...

Oh my they are certainly two little cutie pies. I sure am tempted to ride their plane!

The Janitor