Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Great Day in TradersHaven

Well it was a great day in the TradersHaven chat room, well at least for me. I had the first bar trade for a long as Jim-rainman was shorting using his trading plan.
The market pullbacked just enough to knock me out before we got a nice auto trade long and made a few grand....that was posted this morning.

But the fun part was as the morning unfolded, the internals were showing that the market could reverse and go the other way....this happened as MarkB was talking about time and price....resistance on so on. Then we had a bull crown pattern that triggered and at 12:13 I posted in the room a couple of things.

First, I wanted everyone to understand there is nothing personal but if you are long.....good luck and I believe only Dharma was at the time with a runner.
Second I typed in ....way in advance in real time......that this was the mother of
all shorts.....which is the name of our auto trader. MOAS......The Mother Of All Systems....ROTFL.... now the secret is out.
Third, in response to a question about how slow it was....as the short just hung there...I said, it's like a freight train and it starts out slowly.......but picks up speed.......

673.20 was the entry......and we all know what happened after that....it was the mother of all shorts......WOW what a day......

On a side note....I heard today that someone has changed the settings to their sidewinder again.......I guess that means it isn't working the way it should...and don't believe curve fitting a system has never been a good idea.....changing it to 60 or 59 or 58 isn't going to change the outcome one bit.........crap in crap out.
Believe in yourself.....build a plan that works for you....

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