Monday, August 29, 2005

Your opinion and bias is worth how much again?????

It was the night of July 16th, 1999, there was no moon as the haze settle in over the waters of Martha's Vineyard as the Piper Saratoga II was carrying it's passengers for a wedding the next day. Without the advantage of daylight or even a clear moon lite night, John had to use one of two things that were available....his own instincts or the instruments.

No weather warning were issued to pilots that evening for the route with took him over the Long Island Sound along the southern coast of Connecticut. However, pilots who had flown over Long Island Sound that evening reported afterwards that the in-flight visibility over the water was significantly reduced. Also sometimes, pilots can have problems with their inter-ear and it messes up their ability to understand which way is up and which way is down.

So John had to decide which to believe in, his own belief that he was actually flying straight, or that he was climbing. Or the instruments, that might have told him the plane was decending at an alarming rate. The plane hit the water at 5,000 feet per minute with the motor running and no one survived. JFK, Jr., his wife and her sister all died.

What does this have to do with "YOU" and trading? Do you trade with an opinion, an attitude, bias or you just know the market is going to do this (selloff or rally). Do you believe in your instruments or spend the day second quessing them? Checking them against other indicators, time frames and your buddies in some chat room.

JFK, Jr. it is believe to have used his own opinion instead of using the instruments available to him and what did that end up costing him?
Are you trading with your own bias and opinions and not really using your instruments and what do you think that might end up costing ya?

"Welcome to Walmart.....the home of falling prices and do you need a cart today".


Anonymous said...

what actually happened that night is not known to the general public.
the records of the flight, the investigation and the plane itself have been sealed by the FAA. Its the first time the FAA have sealed records on a general aviation flight.

Anonymous said...

thats becuase of the largely unknown 'greek connection' to the kennedy family. the feds have inflcited harm on the onasis family and the 'greeks' have returned the favor.