Thursday, August 04, 2005

There is only one thing I would like to say........

I have received threats against myself and my family. And we turned those in to the authorities.

And while I am out of the country on vacation......and arson hits my new home under construction.

Now guess what is in store for the persons who sent those emails, and made those threats against us? You might have something to really worry about when they knock at your door......

YOUR ASS IS GRASS.....we will hunt you down like the fricking scam artist you are.... There is now, no place on this blue marble, for you to hide...for every one I have posted a $100,000.00 reward for your arrest and conviction. Then we will proceed in civil court to take everything you ever thought of having.

OR try this one........

PS: If you for one fricking moment think that this will stop anything that is going are very sadly we are on a's that simple. And you know what I am talking about.......


Dharmacardiones said...

I am so sorry to hear about is truly sad.
I am sure the authorities will get to the bottom of this, and those responsible will be dealt with.

RG2JH said...

Who _are_ you people? My lord, the man's house burnt down, it's arson according to the fire guys and some people want to accuse the victim and take another shot at how they dislike him. Those of you that have taken that road have truly proved that the human condition knows no bottom of ignorance and despair.

Those of you that have done that are truly sorry souls. Like Frank (Haze), I've known Dennis for years. He's a kind, humorous, generous man that takes flak from the undeserving because he tries to help, to enlighten. People don't want candor, they want hand-holding and "tell me what to trade." They can't handle candor, so they blame the messenger.

No one, even someone you may not like, deserves this. The true measure of a human is how they react to situations like this.

Shame on you. Dennis, you also know where I am if you need any help, information, legal assistance or any other thing I can do to help.

And we'll try to figure out which particular circle of hell is reserved for those of you that have taken this opportunity to attack any fellow human being that has suffered such a tragedy.

Kevin said...

Keep the authorities out of it. Kill him, plain and simple.

rburns said...

Sport sorry to see your dream delayed, as I am sure you will stay the course and see it thru to completion. Best wishes and good trading to all RBurns

RG2JH said...

As for the utterly soulless, pathetic alleged human called "trading_mod" hey stupid, do you think Sport could fake having several news agencies in Knoxville show video clips of the house going up in flames on their web sites? What kind of "proof" is needed? I hope your trading is a little better than your factual analysis, or otherwise you have one happy broker and a teeny account.

Also, please be advised that your statements "sport .. could have had a hand in this" and others consititute actionable libel. Go look it up (if that isn't too big a word to google). Boy, that's called a big time lawsuit. Your IP address is being logged as you blog, you know that, right? So, after Sport gets thru with you (and boy I'll help) you'll be a penniless poor soulless moron. And we get to laugh.

And actually, by your language tense one suspects you're British...hmmm....the libel laws there are FAR more fun to convict under. And your hateful commentary provides motive.

Have a good evening.

Fearless said...

Very sorry about your new home, Sport. That's really horrific and senseless. I hope your family is holding up as strong as you are, and I echo the sentiments of others here in being thankful that no one was hurt.

Globetrader said...

I'm so sorry to read about this disaster. Reading some of the BS written here, I really hope you / the authorities have access to the IP's of everyone posting here.
