Sunday, April 24, 2005

TradersParadise annouces it first World International Invitational Championship of Daytrading Tournament

DATELINE: LAS VEGAS, NV., (SNewswire) - Las Vegas, NV., April 24,2005 -Rumors are flying on the strip this afternoon as news has been leaked that Sport will be in town for the first ever, TradersParadise's International Invitational Championship of Daytrading Tournament from May 17th to the 19th.

According to sources, inside the tournament, who wants to remain anonymous at this time, it will feature 3 days of trading the Russell 2000 futures contract live from 6:30am to 9:00am local time. Participants will be showing their own software, charts and order entry live in front of what is being called the largest crowd ever to watch an event of this kind in the world.

Details will be made available as they are released to the general public.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

- new room record too!

Anonymous said...

what for?

Anonymous said...

Three days in Vegas including entry donations would cost someone from Phoenix about $1,000, assuming they drove, or about $1,250 with airfare - unless you are providing the private jet again.

Of course this would come out of WCCI, Inc. companies funds, unless eSignal or SFO or HotComm would pay. You know no one from WCCI could afford to pay their own way.

And in case you happen to attract any independents, the prize needs to be increased to at least $2,500.

I would suggest WCCI ask Gio to be their representative. She should have no problem whipping your ass, as her 100% trade success in the chatroom is obviously unbeatable by any mere mortal.


Dennis Bolze said...

ROTFL....Gio show up...that's rich.