Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Steel Cage Match in Las Vegas.......Where are you?????

DATELINE: LAS VEGAS< NV (SNewswire) - Las Vegas NV., April 26th, 2005 - TradersParadise, (a chat room on hotcomm.com - relay - TradersParadise) will be the sponsor of the first in a series of trading tournaments, called the TraderParadise's International Invitational Championship of Daytrading Tournament and will be held in Las Vegas from May 17th to the 19th.

The tournament will feature two types of participants and they are referred to as Participants and Tournament Participants. Participants are traders who want to attend the tournament but do not want to trade against anyone. Tournament participants will actually be in the tournament...trading live against other tournament participants.

The fee for this tournament is also divided into two areas.
Participants will be required to donate the sum of $295.00 to the Crisis Nursery in Scottsdale, AZ., the contact person for the donation is Pat Beasley.
Tournament participants will be required to donate the sum of $1,000.00 to the Crisis Nursery in Scottsdale, AZ., the contact person for the donation is Pat Beasley also.

For three days, the tournament participants will trade live the ER futures market only with 2 contracts and from 6:30am to 9:00am local time, at which time all open positions must be closed.

The prize money will be as follows:
The highest ending balance on the third day will receive from me $1,000.00. Also anyone that has a higher balance then I do, will have a donation made to the Crisis Nursery in the amount of $1,000.00

More details as they become available, so let's trade in Vegas and settle this ...you can't do this...you are a piece of crap....you...you ...you..... whispers....gossip..... I'll be waiting in the desert for YOU!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

All the proceeds go to charity, no way Sport benefits from this. That must be why Woodie and his clones don't like this deal. They are used to keeping most of the fees for their "expenses".

Anonymous said...
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rburns said...

As self appointed unofficial odds maker for the Sport LV Shootout, here is an update
1. Antiicc 9-5
2. Sport 3-1
3. Cometguy 6-1
4. TraderMaggie 6-1
5. GB007 8-1
6. Dr. Bob 10-1
7. *Gio
*Anon BigMouth 99-1
* Coupled entry
Best Wishes and Good Trading RBurns

Anonymous said...

What a dummy you are anon 12:28. The fees are paid directly to Crisis Nursery in Scottsdale, AZ, by the participant.

Now if you're going to tell me that Sport is the owner of the Crisis Nursery, well you may have something. Otherwise, you just look like the idiot you are.

Anonymous said...

You should be aware that according to the logs in the other room, Woodie turned down a 1 million dollar offer to trade a large account of a famous sports figure using the magical 80 % winning ratio of the cci of course. This famous sport figure was a friend of famir, the cardiologist doctor from Oakbrook, wherein one TAL was also held and attended by the famous and mighty and legends of trading.

Woodie was not interested in the aformentioned million dollars. Why would you be interested in getting a fee of one million dollars, when you are batting 80 % anyway. Woodie then offered the deal to GB007, who also turned down the aforementioned million dollars. Why would GB care about the 1 million as he too is probably batting better than Woodie.

Both of them turned it down. The other side of the coin is of course, they would be exposed as unable to perform anywhere near their touted percentage of 'after the fact' winners. They could be easily out of business if thus exposed. On the other hand, of course, they could find the aforesaid million not worthwhile, if in fact, they are batting 80 %.

In any case, since they have in fact, turned down the one million offer, for fear of being exposed for lack of anticipated performance, or by virtue of insufficent rewards/funding for their brilliance, then why would they accept a mere pittance from the world of Sport and his Las Vegas Trading Challenge. The risk reward ratio is on the wrong side. They win nothing if they win, because they are donating 1k to chartity plus cost of travel, and they risk losing face to the likes of Antic and Sport who probably will take them to the cleaners anyway.

If you could convince Antic and Sport to throw the event, we could clean up on TraderMaggie, who will i am sure beat the rest, including Woodie and GB who will not attend anyway, for what it is worth.

Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Jack Iron:
It is ok to be loyal to some one who has helped you. However, that association does not alter the ultimate objectives or motives of the enterprise.

I view things the other way. I view things by association. If there is a den filled with thieves, then an honest person who is constantly in their company, would be viewed by me and all others as a dishonest person just by association and not necessarily by the facts.

Now, I have considered this for a very long time, and I have isolated all those who have made suck up comments to the cause, for the many years this suck up group remains to be the same, though some have left after they perhaps saw the light. This suck up group have advanced their cause of this fake enterprise with their modus operandi, and thus in my view are clearly on the wrong side of the fence, despite some who may contribute to chartity or give free help to others.

You have to agree or be cognizant of the fact, that Kiwi has helped more people than GB has, yet Kiwi was banned from that enterprise. So does that tell you anything ?

Anonymous said...

This anonymous guy is a real trip.
Wake up Fool!

Anonymous said...

Jack Iron:
I have no quarrel with you, but just to prove anon's point, you said this and I quote:

"Through it, though, I've seen some really good people in action, like Kiwi,
croc, GB, etc "

Now, Kiwi and croc and other good people have left, but GB remains !!!

Anonymous said...

I think that all the big wigs in that room, and the faithful followers are all puppets of hc and maw. A circular conduit. What do you think ?