Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Wonder what this means?????

Someone pointed this out over the weekend and was wondering what is going on now.
There is no mention of Woodie not actually going to Denver on his website. But when you go to pay for the next TAL, this is what you find first. Can I come, since he called me a prick after telling DrBob he still loves him....whatever that means.
No need to go down that street is there?

Is this a way to setup the trade-a-long so no one has to actually know, well I am not feeling well right now, I going to sit down and rest for a few minutes.
Or just flat out not come and send a message about how they wish they could be there but can't make it again this year.
What does it mean, an "effective speaker", effective to do what?????
There seems to be a lot of legal, what if's, like waiving all claims against everybody even anyone else associated in any way.....including the Janitor, both bus boys and the taxi driver, I guess?

So will he go to Denver....
Will he trade live....
Will an "effective speaker" step forward.....
Will he just walk around the room again and pretend.....
Will Elizabeth have a baby for Jax & Courtney or will she keep it and live happy ever after with her new husband Lucky?
Guess time will tell.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It''s quite impressive.