Monday, July 25, 2005

How was the CCI NJTAL........

Why do I have a problem with the Duke of Wood?
Why am I always busting on them?
We call it smoke and mirrors...say one thing, do another. IF....and I mean "IF" you were just doing this to help others....then the basic questions is simple. WHY, hasn't there been a public accounting of the TAL's. Where are the donations for the kids.....from the left over funds.....
DrBob had a TAL this past weekend in near his home in NJ, he said, in advance, that everyone would have to pay their own way. no freebies. The extra funds would be given back to the attendees. And after the workshop, he posted the expenses, and how much was returned to each attendees.

We call that.....KEEPING YOUR WORD.
But some of you go out of your way to bust, slander and stir up trouble against DrBob and others who have seen the light and decided to leave the dark deep shadows of the forest and enjoy free speech and thoughts.......and to those people who want to continue the crapola.....POUND SAND!!!!!!

Here is the link for DrBob...

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