Tuesday, September 04, 2007

There is a place for "everyone" at the workshop....

There was a post from MadTrader in the comment section this morning.......
Is this training education open to anyone, even newcomers to your circle of friends. Never been to one of those Woodie things before, sounds like that is probably a good thing. Also, how do we email you with questions or interest? I cannot find your email on this site. THANKS >>>>>>>

Great question, there was a time....in another place.....in fact it was far far away from today. The Woodies CCI Club had taken cash at the door for it's TAL, had found out the DAX wasn't making those 107,000 profits Woodie boosted about almost everyday back then.....it was before Gio and JeanYus....before TW....in fact even before a whole list of people where kicked out of the room for one reason or another. One day a fellow was kicked out because he had the same UserID as someone who had been kicked....wasn't his fault. But that's the way thing go over there day in and day out. After the April 2004 "incident" Woodie himself even sent out an email asking everyone to "come on back" all is forgiven....I did a blog update back then so this isn't something new....check out the archives.

ALL IS FORGIVEN, I will always remember that because it's easier to ask for forgiveness then it is, at times to do the right thing in the first place. COME ON BACK......and I will set up a room so you can talk about whatever you want...using the 9 minute chart to front run the 10 guys trading the 10 minutes....COME IN BACK Dr. Bob and you can talk about the 50 CCI setting.....COME ON BACK and you can talk about symmetry.......yada yada yada but NO ONE DID.

When my house burnt to the ground while under construction, Woodie sent me an email saying he was sorry "even after all the things that has happened". So the question that MadTrader asked is interesting. Interesting because everyone is welcome at my house...everyone...tall ones, short ones, wide ones and narrow ones. Rich ones and poor ones, doctors and lawyers to brick layer and dishwashers.....everyone......including all the newbies out there.....

SO WOODIE, if you want to come and enjoy a great weekend.....seeing a beautiful part of the country with a great heritage. If you want to enjoy some great southern hospitality and sharing of stories and tells.....if you want to give your input and share ideas about trading.....WELL, believe it or not.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm, are you kidding? you better think twice before inviting a scam artist like woodie with all that he did and still does to people into any meetings you hold. it shows a lack of character to hang around such an individual imo. rethink that and get back to us please.