Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Woodies CCI Club and it's short term future

There are always those little secrets that float around, you know, what no one wants to talk about and are afraid to ask in the first place. It seems that after the last Vegas workshop, of course, it's not called a Trade-a-Long any more because in order to actually trade along....someone would have to been trading and showing their stuff in real time and anyone that has been to one of them knows...what ain't going to happen.

So it's a workshop now, some theory, some what if's, some speakers who talk about this and that and a few hours of getting the good ole sales pitch...the best dog and pony show since PT did it himself. Well, it seems that not everyone was happy with this latest attempt to push products or the endless pushing for the newbies to buy the DVD box set and the ground is shifting again as some might just to ready to come from the dark side and walk out of the Land of Wood and into the light........

Come out of the dark shadows and it will be done, on earth as in heaven, Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not back into temptation again, but deliver us from that evil. For his kingdom, his power and his glory will never be again but your own light will become much brighter as it should..........and so we wait for the news...we wait to see who is next on the list of from the 16 members of the Hall of Flame to go up in smoke....

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