Last night, Carolyn Boroden was giving a presentation in CCI room on relay5. It appears that two people who tuned into the presentation and were also logged into TradersParadise on relay were booted from the CCI room.
I asked them to forward a screen shot to show me, and this is what I recevied, you can see the time stamp was during CB's persentation and also you can see (by clicking on the text box) that the message reads:
"You have been disconnected and blocked by room's moderator".
This incident also occurred on August 24th, 2004, when the CCI room on relay5 blocked everyone from a room called Columbo (a private room) on relay3. On that day, all of us were also clients of CB, and we were blocked from receiving her updates that we paid for since we were all being blocked from the entire relay5.
I'm not sure why after sending out an email to everyone, including myself, to come back to the CCI rooms and all is forgiven, blah, blah, blah that this event has occurred again. I understand that it again has effected CB to the point that she has moved her service to relay6 in order to protect her own business and service from any additional problems coming from where ever.
It's one thing to bust on me and try their BSski.....but why effect someone elses business who has paying customers that rely on CB's fib levels......is beyond me.
And why support a room by visiting it, where these things continue to happen is also beyond me...........
Maybe traders should consider joining us in TradersParadise on relay in hotcomm.com where you are free to express yourself without fear of big brother, just maybe....
1 of the 2 who reported couldn't get in, rebooted and got in, the other didn't bother to reboot.
yes happened to many folks today, who had nothing to do with being in sports room
has been happening all week off and on
So all of these people who were booted got the message "You have been disconnected and blocked by room's moderator", is that what you are saying?
HC is just randomnly creating this message to boot woodie cci club members, and they have been getting this message all week when they were booted? Who can really confirm this? Where is this mentioned in the chat text?
More likely that crazy Jimsy-ONT, the do-nothing mod, is just out of control.
Anon at 6:36. i am the other who didnt reboot and thats because at the time i was trading which to me is more important than being blocked from a chat room. I complained in an email to hotcomm about my failure to connect to a free room for which i pay my hc subs for. Guess what, at the end of the trading day i can once again get access to relay 5. Amazing.
"So all of these people who were booted got the message "You have been disconnected and blocked by room's moderator", is that what you are saying?"
- there was only 2, 1 rebooted got in the other didn't so didn't know whether or not they could get in, rotflmao, toooooooooooooooooo funny
I am always amused at the number of "supporters" that line up to defend/explain HC bugs and claim WCCI Inc. paranoia is just that .. paranoia ....
It's an interesting parallel or observation on how our society is one filled with sheeples (sheep like people).
The majority do not walk or talk on their own , but rather by group consensus. They would rather listen to someone spewing B.S. about 80%+ winning trade ratios, clinging to the hope that soon they will "get it" .. all the while their account is dwindling to nothing ... but "REALLY" it was that darn software glitch, or data feed , or paid Guru 's fault ... always an excuse... not their own doing...
Here in is the opportunity for the "wolf" ( in different clothes, but still a wolf ) to exploit... his words push the right psychological buttons... he creates a community of illusion ( traders helping traders, ah okay ...) and multiple rooms ( 10 at last count) with such a skill and craftiness that even the most sensitive B.S. meter is initially snowed.
What I have observed is this .. and I hate to use such a cliché line, but it is appropriate.. " You can fool all of the people some of the time ... and fool some of the people all of the time"
To be a winner ( not just in financial terms ) you must do your home work and research the facts, be an independent thinker and individual .... I challenge readers to do just that ......but then most won't ....maybe that's why the stats are 90% losers, and certain group of rooms have such a high turn over of busted out moderators .....
The comments that have been made in this blog's threads by it's owner are truthful and point of FACT .. I have personally experienced the "back room" henchmen of WCCI and have text logs to prove their adolescent like behavior in dealing with reputable well meaning and good hearted people...
But do not believe what I say ... just because I do not hide behind an annon post name ... do your own research ... "and the truth shall truly set you free"
Rmk, well written:
I also did my research on the calls made by the King of Wood, in that place.
This is what happened if you are interested. The King decided to call or show the 15 minute Ym chart after the market close in the seminar room. He claimed with all the phone calls, emails, moderating and so forth, that he did not have any time to do the 5 minute chart on ym, and thus he switched to the 15 minute chart.
He then proceeded to show on Monday, (he missed Tuesday), Wednesday and Thursday, all those wonderful after the fact calls on YM 15 minute in the Seminar Room after the market close in the Seminar room, and by Thursday, he showed an astounding $1610.00 profit, which in Ym is equal to 161 points, or approximately $ 400.00 per day. All were going gaga and good trading to W. Of course all were hoping to get at least one of those calls, even one miserable call please, in real time. So I started thinking to myself, if this slick salesman, made at least one of those in real time, he would have every one eating out of his hand.
The following day, Friday, the King of Wood was moderating in the am, and he decided to call the ym 15 minute in real time, and guess what, instead of the $ 400.00 per day or 40 points, he wound up getting a miserable 8 points for the day. For a total of $1690.00 for the week. Out of this $ 1610.00 dollars was after the fact calls, and 80 dollars was in real time.
Everybody knows, that on Friday, there was outstanding moves in all the indexes, so a good trader could easily have pulled off 40 - 100 points on ym, equaling $ 400 - 1000.00 for the day. In fact in Teddy's room, about 5 to 10 points were called in er2, as they do not play the ym much over there.
In any case, you may draw your own conclusions from the above, as I have drawn my own.
The membership has dropped from a high of over 860 to around 560 now, and there is a need to write more articles in magazines to replace the lost members who leave as they accounts get depleted.
well golly geee, I was observing in sport room one day, and there was a legitimate short called, and the exit, although the timing was late enough to be called after the fact.
Then out of the blue sort of, we are 6-0-2, which I understood to be 6 winners no loosers, 2 buy entries.
Then done for the day to watch concrete pours.
Well I poured over the text to find the 5 other winners, and 2 buy entries, but for the life me they were ellusive.
So in case anyone thinks others have the exclusive rights on sinland, lol, look close to home as they say, when living in glass house don't throw stones
how about a deal, instead of the various entries, suddnly managing one, added one, flat, which really makes it impossible to determine when the trade was initiated, and price, the postings are modified to long one at price (time stamp by entry will be availble then, added 1 at price, then out all and price.
Then those who have good data feed can watch for a couple of weeks determine percentage winners loosers based on the sports postings not the claims, such as 6-0-2 which came out of nowhere.
No excuses now, have to pour concrete, or see the chicken farmer, or go for pizza, post entry and price. Most have a good enough datafeed to know whether anyone doing that is bullshchitting or not.
Short from that hi no good if posted 5 mins later.
Well anon 1130 and 1111:
Point well made, but I am not in Sport's room, so I cannot say, I am in Teddys, but I do know for a fact, that Sport goes long or short the first bar of the day, like an opening range breakout. He has mentioned this many times in Teddys, and may have it it elsewhere as well, to which I am not of course privy too.
So if you are referring to Friday, opening, that was a clear short on the break of the lows of the opening bar. So I know for a fact, that all the way in Teddys room, that Sport would be short on the breakdown of the opening bar on er2, plus I also know for a fact, that Woodie would still be scratching his head, as to what to do, as it was gap down, so the cci dropped from above + 100 to below zero line in one bar, so W still awaits his signal.
Basically in my view all signals are posted generally after the fact, unless one says before the fact, hey everybody watch out for this formation or some other formation, in anticipation of a move. As long as you post within a few minutes, it would be considered close enuff to real time posting.
However, in the case of Woodie, we are talking about posting in the Seminar room, after the market has completely closed, in what he calls a walk thru and claiming all kinds of rubbish. There is a world of differance between W after the fact in seminar room walk thru and Sport's real time (albeit a little delayed and sometimes confusing, add here, and covered there stuff). If you cannot see the differance, then so be it ! The same goes for Gio, who never posts either entries nor exits, but days later claims 400 points for YM and 26 points for er2.
I for a fact, know, that when the spread is Red, he is going to go short at his zlr entry with ticks etc, and will go long when the spread is Green with his zlr entry with ticks etc. In fact, even without being in Sports Room, many have called the Sport entries in Teddys. The exits are not called, as it is money management !
The fact is, the W method is known with the zlr trend with sw, which I have seen fail time and again, and when it fails it becomes a shamu, which also fails time and again. So showing only the few big winners after market hours and not disclosing the losers just does not cut it for using that method. If it worked, we would all be using it and praising it to the skies. That reminds me of the famous trend line break and divergence pointed out by one of the moderator, whom I shall not name. The cci made many lows below the - 100, and the moderator drew this one trend line, which clearly showed a trend line break, out of which the market made a gigantic rally. However, on examination of the chart, one could have drawn at least 7 prior trendlines, of which all of them failed. So in evaluation of it, when you can see, that there were 7 possible trend lines, and the moderator is pointing to the only trend line that worked after the fact, it is abundantly clear to me, that 7 signals failed, and only the last one worked, which is very poor odds, and thus not credible or profitable.
I would also like to quote this, it is published in writing at investopedia:
“A trader and regular CCI Club attendee uses Woodie's CCI signals to trade a variety of commodities, taking CCI signals using one contract. According to Wood, the account accumulated $100,000 in profits 17 weeks after initiation. It was set up to show what was possible using the CCI as an indicator to trade commodities.”
We all know that the above is quote is not true and a lie, referring to Dax. This quote was made without any checking into the facts, but made off hand as if it were a fact. The fact, it is now in a published article, means that fact cannot now be hidden. Such claims are still going on, by new players including W and you may draw your own conclusions from this !
Means Six winners, 0 losers and 2 break even, imo.
http://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/04/100604.asp is the article refered to above.
I no longer write for Investopedia so have not updated any of the articles
on that site. If the situation has changed with regards to the CCI commodity
account or any other aspect of that article since I wrote it 7 months ago,
please contact Investopedia directly.
Matt Blackman
rmk - so since you have it all figured out, how about posting live charts, calling your entry trades just a bit before you do them and why based on the charts and indicators or your market know how, then what you watch as the trade progresses, when you get out and why, mark on the chart if you have time.
This would be a learning experience for all then.
I would certainly like to see this done, perhaps you could do this several times, spell sport off when he's pouring concrete
Dear anon 5:11
I can only surmise from your gullible assumptions and I quote your words "rmk - so since you have it all figured out" ...that you "ANON" are the " ANON Fairy " that hails from " The Fairy Tale Land of Wood "
Who else except an " ANON Fairy " could miss the point of my comments.... and make an assumption that I have it all figured out.
How ever if you seriously want to see what I have figured out .. Here’s how ... 1st drop your " ANON Fairy " cloak and say who you are ..OOPPS guess that's probably NEVER going to happen ... 2ndly We will each donate an entry fee to the Crisis Nursery in Phoenix for the Traders Paradise International Invitational Championship of Day trading that has been set for May 17th to the 19th in LV.
I'll gladly show you what I have figured out in LV real time.... just you and me real time trading head on with each other ....
Oh and BTW how about a little side bet between you and I for those 2 days say the loser donates another $500.00 to the Crisis Nursery on behalf of the winner ?
more ducking and diving frum you's guys than ducks in a pond, rotflmao
weird bunch of ducks
whats the problemo really, you can post live charts, get on the mic, post entries in real time, logic thereof, show everyone your skills in real time in the comfort of their own surroundings
do it say for a week, so they can calculate your success statistics, validate all these wonderful claims being made
I never saw so many folks who claim to be better duck this in my life
maybe they just ain't no better, and don't want that showed to all
make the claims, keep the proof a secret
makes one wonder doesn't it, when folks get so critical of others, that they just don't step up and demonstrate in real time and over time that they are better
well by jove, makes for greatest of speculation, whilst developing the admiring crowd (fooling the admiring crowd)
never got a reply, rotflmao
didn't expect one either, too much bulshitsky, bragging, pumping up egos
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