This computer printed certificate might not mean alot to most people but to us it's means everything.
Back around the end of July we found that there was this thing, so they did this procedure and soon we were faced with that word.....CANCER.
During the fall, while we all had a great time attending UT football games, while we hosted a reception for Congressmen Davis from our district, while we had a Trade-a-Long with 74 people and then Oktberfest for the United Way and on and on she faced some really rough and tough day with chemo. While we ate and drank German beer and baked Christmas cookies she was throwing up to the point there wasn't anything to throw up.
Then came the radiation treatments and 32 trips to the hospital, everyday, day in and day out......and hour and fifteen minutes each way for a three minute treatment. But if the hospital was having emergencies it might take an extra hour or so until it was time.....ZAP.
There are three colors from the pictures they take each week, green and yellow are signs of something......blue is sign of cancer, but PINK is the one you want, not only that but if it's the same shade of pink we are home free. NO CANCER PRESENT!!!
So this certificate is just a piece of paper, we all know, but the people that signed it do their best to make your time with them the best it came be. The jokes and kind words of encouragement makes the visit go about as well as they can. This litte paper is also the end of a long and sometimes a hard journey that I personally would not wish it on anyone.
So this last Thursday, as the first days of Spring began it has brought "us" a new beginning also and we are so thankful for everyone out there who has sent cards, letters, books, tapes, and stuff......lots of stuff and we love you all........
That is great news Dennis...the best to your wife and you
I do not know who Cathy is in your family and never knew she had cancer but I am glad she is better!
Only a few nice things happen in life and she just got one of them! Wishing her all the very best in her life!
Dennis and Kathy,
That is just wonderful news.
I know how scary cancer is firsthand. I am so glad that the radiation treatments got rid of it for Kathy.
Dear Kathy and Dennis,
BEST News of the day!
Terrific news Dennis! I pray that her recovery is permanent.
the tide of goodwill and spirit of hopes have reached your shores...........
god bless you both........
D and K,
What GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Great News Dennis... so glad for Kathy... thank God her suffering is over and a long life of health is before her. Best wishes...
Fantastic news, I am so pleased. Hope you will make it over the pond this summer! Hope to see you, then.
Just remember today is the first day of the rest of your life ... it is a great feeling getting to the end of cancer treatment - well done Kathy.
All the best from Wendy in Mallorca.
Wonderful news. My wife had breast cancer and we both went thru a similar ordeal. She was lucky to survive and it appears that your wife will also. You and your family stood by her and all of you will be blessed in the future.
Dennis, My wife and I went through a very similar experience. We came out the other side shouting the victory. Your story here is a great testimony of overcoming adversity. We'll keep you guys in prayer.
Kathy and Dennis,
My heart of joy goes out to you
Dennis congrats on Kathy beating cancer, God has truly blessed you and your family. That is the best news one can hear after going through so much.
VERY glad to hear this news! All the best to Kathy & you
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