Back in November of 2005, over 28 months ago, I posted this updated......and still the sheep go baa....baa.....baa
You can go back in time and read what I said back then by either click on the title line of this update or paste in this link.......what has changed.....
Hi Dennis,
I don't remember making the 3 comments on your blog that were attributed to me. That is so funny. Cathy, Janitor, BobCathy were all me at one time. LOL.
If I did not believe you then, I sure do believe you NOW!!!!!!!
Woodies comments in room today
[3/14/2008 10:38:31 AM] woodie says:
sorry to hear about gb...a long time friend....i will say this as far as MAKE A WISH...we have now with help of lawyers and pfg and others ..we can now document are donations to MAW., is posted on the web site under the menu... total of $123,000 +
This was just put up on Woodies site make-a-wish/index.htm
Hey Bolze you said, you would be the first to say, "That is so cool, why did it take so long and I am sorry." /make-a-wish/index.htm
Hey Bolze said back.......
I just never understand why you need to keep coming into this blog all the time and checking up on me.
I also think one post would have been enough, instead of doing it 5 times in 40 minutes.
I did a new update for you, enjoy and I can only hope it's actually true instead of smoke and mirrors.
You can be sure we will figure it out and let you know.......
I have to believe that eSignal, InterActive Data, PFG, Make-a-Wish, Arizona Attorney General, Genesis, Illinois Attorney General, Ninja Trader, Arizona Dept of Revenue, Peregrine Charities, Illinois Dept of Revenue, SFO magazine, hummm , maybe even Wasendorf Sr is starting to figure things out and the IRS are all seeing what floats to the top.....
I mean all the Governor did was just hire a hooker and look at the shit he got into.......
But I will keep you can count on that.
My posts are not being allowed on the Woodies CCI club forum so I’ll post here.
I have humbly asked Mr. Ken Wood aka Woodie to cooperate with the Arizona Attorney Generals office. They would be willing to act as a neutral third party to help bring closure to the alleged problems of misleading others. I had hoped Mr. Wood would bring closure to concerns raised by those who are asking for simple accountability. However I’m sad to say I have no response.
On a weekly basis Mr. Wood has promoted himself as having character and that all the other educators are shysters and crooks. He has proclaimed how he provides a free conference room while other educators charge money because they can’t trade, yet his room is free because he makes his living at trading. The inference here is that Mr. Wood is passing himself off as a professional guru who has character and can be trusted.
Mr. Wood has publicly stated he does not need to charge for his room and that he makes his living at trading futures. I realize many traders feel this is an outright lie.
There are traders who feel Ken Wood’s unorthodox way of trading is a simple gimmick to lure new trades into PFG’s marketing plan.
The problems come when if in fact Mr. Wood himself can not make his method work and the enticement is simple fraud and is not really a legitimate method. Many traders feel this misleading is not ethical behavior and Mr. Wood is abusing a position of trust. The damage is real and many are looking to seek resolution.
Many of us have visited web sites like Doug Tucker’s at
Mr. Tucker has done an eloquent job of revealing the problems associated with Woodies CCI and Ken Wood. Mr. Tucker is not alone as there is a long list of those who have left and they are not short on bad thing to say about Ken Wood aka Woodie, whether it be his method or the abuse of the position of trust.
If Mr. Wood would just step forward and clear these matters it would bring closure and remove the mistrust. This brings us to a very interesting situation as Mr. Wood’s silence on the matters at hand is raising tons of suspicions. By simply providing one year of trading statements along with his tax returns, this whole saga would be over in any instant. If he is actually the man he says he is he could shut everyone’s mouth in an instant.
If he is telling the truth, why does he allow the CCI club to be dragged through the mud?
His behavior is very selfish as it undermines the thousands of hours of work done by traders to build the CCI club. This is so disheartening especially when the resolution is so simple, simple if he has nothing to hide.
If he really cared about all the money he raise on behalf of MAW why does he allow the cloud of doubt to remain which hinder the efforts of many who felt this was a legit organization? His silence hurts the very children he purported to care about? This is unbelievably insensitive.
Why is this so hard for him and why take such a strong resistance to accountability if you are telling the truth? When did the truth become so unpopular? Ken Wood if you are the man you say you are, you could silence your critics instantly. Mr. Wood your actions are suspect you are giving creditability to those who feel you are untrustworthy.
You need to step to the plate and be the man you have led us to believe you are or pull the plug on the whole thing and shut it down. Richard_AZ
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