So over on the left side under the Make-a-Wish letters if you click it on, you will find two letters from two local chapters of MAW. One from the Denver, CO chapter we talked about last night...and great job by the way.

Also there is one from the local chapter near Dallas where another TAL was conducted and it appears that another donation was made in the amount of $14,141.45. Again a nice job.......

So I checked out their website to see what MAW in Dallas does and came to the contact page....and there was Heather Kraus so I popped it on and send an email....

Just asking a simple question...can you verify this letter? and this was back on the 26th of January...... but did not get a reply that week...SO

after a few days went by....and I started to wonder, why hasn't Heather got back to me.....why oh why???? So I sent her another email asking her to verify the letter, but again I never received a reply.....why oh why????

So on February 6th, I sent everyone on the list from the website an email asking for someone to verify the letter.....and to this day, I still have not gotten a reply one way or the other. Which causes me to ask, what is the problem...why isn't this request being honored...what am I missing? Maybe someone out there can answer this one. I can only hope and pray that this letter is.......true and accurate...I can only hope and pray for the kids!!!!!
1 comment:
Yea, that's right Cathy....to busy to answer....no no....spam filter on.....no no....they don't have to provide any donors services.....
You guys always have a reason don't ya.....
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