Since both SFO magazine and PFG brokerage house is promoting this webinar, I think it would be a good time for the folks over at the WoodiesCCIClub.com to attend it. I even believe that I might just send them an email alerting them to this broadcast.
That way they could get both the "FACTS and the "FICTION" of automated systems, since they seem to be having a hard time with the one they have been promoting the past year or so. The webinar will cover topics like....Entries, Exits, stop management, "momentum" and volume exhaustion. That momentum thing is right up their.......alley so to speak.
Hope you can join in there Kenny.
Of course SFO = PFG so I'm quite sure that the seminar will end with "Be sure to send your $5000 to Neil R. "
Took in the webinar today and I must say it did look interesting. Next step is the 1 week free trial. Does ANYONE know anything about Roger Felton ?
OK here is my question. They have a system that calls something like 12 points a day on the Russell. If that is truly the case then why do they need to sling this system? If you traded just 1 contract a day that is $1,200 a day so trade 5 contracts and that’s $6,000 a day! That is 30k a week! 1.5 million a year! Why would you need to sell this system?
I totally agree with the last post. These system promoters/sellers are the oxymorons of the trading industry. If you have a system that works, use it... If it doesn’t work, sell it. … LOL
Why sell it? Simple, traders helping traders? A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle? Help the kids? I cant think of any others but I am sure there are more. :)
I like having his picture Photoshopped into the trading floor. I think I would look good in a similar pose. Now how much should I charge for my webinar?
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