"If this is the most excessive house you have ever seen", ya'll need watch exteme houses on HGTV sometime.
I realize when we were all born, our moms and dads spoon feed us, told us when to go to bed and when to get up. What to do and what not to do, eat those peas and sit up straight, make sure you have clean underwear on before you go out, you never know if you will end up in the hospital and yada yada yada.
Then one bright and sunny day, you went out into the real world and got a job. This time it wasn't your mommy telling you what to do, but your boss and his boss. What time to come to work, what time to go home, what to do and what not to do.
Then you fell in love and married the perfect soul mate (being political correct) and they started making you breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Now they, did your laundry instead of mommy, and told you to go the store and here is the list and yada yada yada.
So all your life you have had someone else holding your little hand and taking care of you, wiping your nose, telling you when to go to lunch and making sure you picked the kids up at soccer.
Each of us, when we are born have a "talent", and some will take that "talent" and expand on it and leverage it to the Nth degree. I know of a grand mother that sings to her grandkids that 99% of the professionals out there would have to take a back seat for sure. But that is not where her "tatent" lays it is teaching second grade.
Each of us, have a "skill" that we learn during the course of live, some will take that "skill" and expand on it and leverage that to the Nth degree. A "skill" is something that is learned and not just born with. We all know people who have a great "skill" and can do amazing things.
Then we have a thing called a "gift". A "gift" first must be given and then it has to be received. Let's say I give you a piano, but you do not use it and it sits in the living room collecting dust, what value then does this gift have....well it doesn't have any value. In the blog over the past 9 months, I have given out ideas about how I trade, things that others either don't know about or are not willing to share, if you have not taken the time to look into these ideas then what value have you found.....most likely none.
On several occasions, after being busted on by anonymouses, I even went so far as to challenge them to a trading completion, but found no takers. The profits from these completions were to be given to charity....WHY? Because if someone, was good enough in their trading to take up the challenge, then they themselves would be in a position where money is not a driving force anymore, after all what is 10 or 20 thousand in the end......most likely anonymouse, your trading account.
I did find your comment about, "Why aren't you giving the money to them and living more modestly?" interesting. Yes, I am building a new home and providing income for 22 people and 14 are married with kids and I pay them well. So about 47-48 people are being provided for. Then we have all the suppliers, salesmen, delivery drivers, building inspectors, security guards, plumbers, heating and air, electricians, roofers, the list is endless at times that all are counting on me to provide them with income.

Give money away, you got to be kidding!!!! Last week we were at a Young Life banquet and gave away $5,000.00 which out of 106 people the highest single individual donation, we also support them monthly, this one time donation here was to help with last years budget short falls....

I had to paste this letter in two parts so it was large enough for you to read. But it is from MAW, remember them???? I am not sure how many wishes my donations were able to fill...one.....a couple......half a dozen? I am not sure how many kids that Young Life have been able to turn around, I do know of two here locally from my kids sharing stories. I'm not sure how many kids have learned to read early in their lives that will make a difference from the books they receive monthly from the Imagination Library, but I hope it's alot. I'm not sure how the bears that were released from the bear center are doing. I'm not sure how the ASPCA is doing after we rebuilt the entire complex for them, but I know it made a big difference. I'm not sure how the young adults we are helping get thru college will go on to be leaders for our future, but I'm hoping. I'm not sure how the single mothers we help out from the women's shelter, by baby sitting and other things, are doing but we are stilling hoping.
I give more money to charities each year then 92% of all Americans make. Why, because I know my "talent", I developed my "skills" and I understand where the "gift" came from and will not allow anyone the opportunity to take it back. Are you protecting your "gift" from the elements.....rain, mildew or is it just sitting in the livng room collecting dust.
There will always be people that are straving and homeless...for a number of reasons and it doesn't brother me at all. If you ever able to make enough money in the markets, then I suggest that you give it all away to them and rent a double wide, actually I think maybe a pup tent would be better. I wish you well, because it also appears to me by your post in the comments section, that you want others to still spoon feed you trades, because that is how you live....waiting for everyone else to tell you to eat your peas, be to work on time and yada yada yada...I guess you want the secret sauce also.............
FOOT NOTE: Where can we see where the Duke of Wood has given a dime to MAW, he likes to boost about how much his room has raised. Well, subtract my donations in HIS name and you have about 2/3 left. Some where around 800 was the high, and he talks about thousands coming thru the room each day and one person made 1/3 of those donations......think about it for a change. Where can we see where you have given anything to anyone for any reason, I doubt that will never happen and that is why we are not in those rooms anymore. Not because we were kicked out.