Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Woodcravers are almost done......

We found 10 red cedar trees out in a field that were about to be burned because some contractor was building another subdivision, one is about 150 years old and these trees are just amazing. We peeled them and then the woodcravers came in and polished them up....but it took weeks for this to be finished.

There are beams in the billard room, exercise room, formal dining room along with the bar area, each one had to be cleaned up......every one of them.

The red cedar tree that is about 150 years old and measures over 33 inches at the base had an branch sticking out that looked reallly odd....BUT no problem, said the wood craver.....we can carve an......................

Well we have this guy working on the house that smoked something during the 60's and maybe even into the 70's. Brandon was carving away as Carl walked thru the second level and without even looking up or slowing down....just said to Brandon......"Hey, those are great eyes on that pineapple". We all lost it including Brandon.

But it only took a couple of days and the funny looking branch actually started looking like something.....Anyone know what happened to Hoot anyways!!!

When they started to work on the deck rails, I also went postal on them, why you ask....well simple. The fellow is about 16 feet above ground and working and standing on about 16 inches at most. When I asked him about a safety device, he gave me some lip about he didn't need no sticking safety devices.

So I asked him how many kids he had? "Two" he replied. So how many of them were planned? "None", he replied. As you can see he is now wearing a safety device....a rope.

He ended up spenting just over 4 days out there brushing the rails and spraying them with a sealer.

And spraying....and spraying....and took 6 coats to get the deep rich color I was after and 11 5 gallon buckets of sealer/stain.

This will be the view coming out of the theater (TV ROOM), there is an elevator over to the left side.

This pic may be a little to dark, but the posts (Trees) and log beams are stained and it's is just so great looking.....I can't believe how it turned out this time.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis, what's the normal daily temperature range there now??
