Saturday, November 26, 2005

PSU are the Big10 Conference Champs......oh boy

Not sure if you follow along or not, but I find trading for a living has a millions parallels with football. Take this year as an example, JoePa and the Nittany Lions, which over the past couple of years couldn't win more then about two games in a row. There were even rumors and some whispering about maybe it was time for JoePa to go "Joe-b-Gone". But he stayed true to himself, his programs, his style and this year came roaring back to number 3 in the country.

I guess that makes him a Dandy Lion again........hope you get the pun on this one....oh yea, my daughter who went to PSU and my brother who also went to Happy Velly are having a field day with how UT is now looking inside it's soul for some answer.....

See the flower, it's a dandelion.....get it.......Dandy Lions.....ok, banging head on deck.......ROTFL.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta feel good for JoePa. Congrats to Rutgers too for finally turning the corner on their football program. Hopefully they get a bowl nod.
