Sunday, November 27, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving, we sure did, great time busting on the kids and watching a little football. For those of you who know us personally, well my loving and caring wife did it again, she got up early to put the ham in the oven and then went back for a cat nap. Along came 1:00pm as the family gathered in the dining room and kitchen to help out. The rolls were fluffy, the mashed potatoes were whipped to an inch of the their lives and the gravy and great, the corn and peas and even the sweet potatoes were prefect. Just as we sat down to eat, I heard an unpleasant sound coming from the kitchen, so I got up, walked over and looked in and saw a beautiful ham sitting in the oven.......a beautiful "cold" ham sitting in the seems my loving and caring wife forgot to turn the oven on......who ever said living with a BLONDE was easy.

So as the kids said sounded like this.
God is good....God is great....Thank you for the food except the ham, AMEN..... Then we all had a good laugh and started in.
That makes 15 Thanksgiving dinners in a row with a small error in judgement, but we still love her just the same. Anyone up for a ham sandwich????

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