Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's just a stairway.......up to Rocky Top

I have finally finished the design for the spirl stairway in the house, this will be the top rail system on the 4th floor. Plates of steel, with cut out design, painted and then fired in the brick over to bring out the color, mixed with curved glass. The rail itself will be made from cherry wood...more on that later and why cherry....:)

The idea of the stairway is to have birds (eagle) flying on the top and as you work your way down the stairs, there would be animals from bears (of course) and deer down to bunny rabbits until you arrive down on the first level were turtles and fish would be....this is the stairway from the third floor up to the fourth.

Again as you come down the stairs the wildlife would continue to be smaller, foxs and raccoons and so on...this will be from the second level to the third....

Finally coming down from the second floor to the first where the stairs end next to a indoor pool full of gold fish or trout...not sure yet.....but with a water fall coming from the bottom of the giant 46 foot tree, which the base is located on the second level, into the pool......should be a great visual if I can get everyone to see my vision.........stay tuned..

1 comment:

  1. dennis thanks for sharing fantastic design as stairway, succes with building your dream.
