Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Daily routine.......talk about being the water boy..

Everyday, my wife goes up on the hill and makes sure that there is bottled water and ice for the guys. Of course, Drake is in tow everytime.

After filling up all the 5 gallon water containers with ice, my wife will spread out the remain ice in a box or something and the four legged kids eat the ice. After playing with the ice for 5 minutes while Drake was watching, he decided once they left to try some ice also. Here he is about to take the binky out of his mouth as he picks up an ice cube. It was so funny watching him making sure the goldens were not going to come running back and wipe him out while he was bent over.....

When Boomer isn't running thru the house barking at the wind, he is busy making mulch out of any piece of wood that hits the floor and he is very good at it.

The other day, Scooter (on the right) and Boomer were playing with one certain piece from a cedar tree that just had been peeled. Why, they choose this piece is beyond me since there were hundreds of them all over the place.

Not really sure who is winning here, but Scooter still has the piece of cedar under control. While Boomer is chewing her legs. The black collars on the goldens are from the invisible fence system we have. Boomer's is on the way and will he be in for a real shock soon.......hehe

Meanwhile, Thrumper just loves to ride around in the Bobcat......that is the 46 foot tree in the background, ready to go back into house on the 18th of November. Should be interesting as we again set this tree......

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