Monday, November 07, 2005

Gio and the Woodies CCI Club

Woodies CCI Club has had it host of problems over the years, everything from promoting a fellow who claimed to have made hundred thousands only to be found that it was all a lie. Pretending have 800 members in the hotcomm chat room only to find out that there were a large percentage of fake (puppets) users. Taking in cash at the door for trade-a-longs and then not showing that it actually went to Make-a-Wish.

The Woodies CCI Club is a feeder for a brokerage house in Chicago, nothing more and nothing before you lean into it, check it out, ask questions in their chatroom and decide for yourself, and certainly before you risk a dime....

The last post was about what happen on Friday, but this morning at 10:37:12 someone again posted about Gio and the chat room on RELAY 7 in called TradersElements. It took them just over two minutes to use the "text-b-gone" feature to clear the morning text. You can see, in case you don't understand scroll's at the top and it's long, meaning it started at 10:39:24 after being reset with the "Your're out of here and b-gone".
Of course, it's OK....for Jimsy to do that in my old room called TradersParadise and we did a blog about that and showed you the logins, and Rover to promote himself and even Biggs to come into TradersElements....but God forbid doing that to TonyUK....I mean the way, Gio chat room .... on, relay7 under TradersElements was up to 169 today.

SIDEBAR: I'm sure they are getting ready to bad mouth everyone and anyone that "they" feel are going to cutting into any deals. Just remember that we can trace everyone that visits this blog among other things and will be glad to point them out to the 500 plus visitors here each day.....if "they" decide to get ugly. So stay tuned kids......any foul mouth language will be deleted even if it is from the Woodscammer himself.......IT'S SHOW TIME.


  1. If you look bThis guys stuff is actually very funny. Hahha, I really liked the one with the software license renewal notice. ROFLMAO!!

  2. If you look beyond the spam , this guys stuff is actually very funny. Hahha, I really liked the one with the software license renewal notice. ROFLMAO!!

  3. Finally something useful on this blog,

  4. The thing is that a lot of this hoo-haw is just about a bunch of people who got bored of trading the markets alone in the comfort of their homes and decided to create this or that entity for some lofty goal that cannot even be measured.

    Find an edge that you can statistically measure, find your nerve to trade it, trade it, see if your real-time experience is good enough to produce a rising equity curve, if not, repeat, rinse and wash. If you've found a real edge, then do that same thing over and over, taking your lumps with your successes and over time you will persevere with confidence in your abilities and good money management.

    Your ability to win in the futures market is not even remotely related to what happens in a chat room which, at best, is more of a distraction than a plus. It serves a need: the desire for humans to interact on a regular basis with something other than a bunch of numbers and squiggly lines. But it also serves as a hindrance to finding greater rewards: it holds back the creative side of your trading that serves to give you improved market intuition over time.

    I've got an exercise for those of you who are in any of these chat rooms on a regular basis and feel all happy and warm and fuzzy about the whole thing, cheering on your selected "trading mentor" and defending he or she against blah, blah, blah:

    RAISE the level of contracts that you're trading. I guarantee you that you'll be out of your comfort zone soon enough and have your hands too full with Mr. Market to be thinking about what W said to hotComm that hotComm said to G and J, etc. etc. All of a sudden some chat room during market hours just gets in the way of you and your real goal: to make more money than you lose.

    Trade for a living. Don't live to watch other traders trade.

  5. Can I come and trade with you susie?

  6. I was the one who caused the "snowstorm"....I am getting very tired of this "drive by posting" junk. Stop it!


  7. jeez, i didn't know that there were so many disaffected Woody fans. I remember when W "invented" the Vegas trade, but you had to have attended the seminar and be given a pw, to know what it was. when I complained in the room, i was shushed---booted from the room (several times). i notified the cftc, but never got a response. btw i could see the desktop of some of the moderators from time to time...they were in the negative, trading 2 lots, and trading scared.
